Chapter 2(Edited)

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 Once we get to the hospital they take her into the EMERGENCY door. I rush to catch up to them as they place her on the hospital bed. The doctors and nurses all on the sides of the bed checking things and holding pressure to the wound. I follow behind before they push through double doors, that I'm not allowed to pass. Tears still running down my cheeks and Fri by my feet. My hair falls over my face, blood still on my hands and my eyes swollen from tears.

"Mam, come with me, let's get you cleaned up." a sweet little nurse says. I nod and follow her into a little side room. I see a sink and a little shower area, she points to the shower area. I nod and she leaves the room shutting the door behind her. I get in the shower with Fri lying in front of the curtain, like he is protecting me. I get out and step over him to grab the towel so I can dry off. Then I get dressed into the clothes the nurse left me along with the towel. I get a wet rag to clean Fri's face off and call him to me, he comes and looks up at me. I use the wet rag to wipe off his face making sure to get it all off.

Once I am done I throw my bloody clothes into the hazard waste bin. I open the door and see an officer sitting in a chair beside it. He stands up and looks down at me because he is so much taller than me. "I have some questions for you mam." says officer Janken. Fri growls at him and the officer puts his hand on his gun. My heart skips a beat before I say "Fri, I'm safe stop." Fri stops and sits watching him. I stick my hand out towards Fri and he pads closer so I can pet him. "Sorry, he is trained to protect me," I explain to the officer. "Who trained him?" he asks with his eyes widened. "My father, who is in the military," I reply. He just nods and continues on with the assigned questions.

Once we are done talking he makes the report and I am able to go to the waiting room. I go to the cafeteria and get me some juice to help calm me down. Fri still behind me, none of the officers or nurses saying anything about Fri being with me. The police already told them about him being my guard dog. I pay and use the signs to find my way to the surgery waiting room. I sit with Fri on the floor between my legs. Tears start to trickle out my eyes as the memories flash through my mind. Fri notices and gets up and licks my face. His sad eyes looking at my own. I sit there for hours switching places, stretching out, or letting Fri out to use the bathroom.

*4 hours later*

I feel a tap on my shoulder, so I look up to see a doctor. I get up quickly and look at him. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your mother didn't make it through surgery. I'm sorry for your loss. You can say goodbye if you like." he says before giving me directions to the room. My tears start to pour out my eyes as I walk to the room. Fri following me whining a little bit. As I approach the door to the room I glance in to see her lifeless body sitting on the bed. I blink my eyes to clear the tears before walking up to her placing my hand on hers I say "I hope that wherever you are that you will be happy and safe. I will miss you like hell and I love you, this will be a fact for the rest of my life. I will get revenge for us. I promise." I kiss her head and leave while wiping my tears away. Fri follows me as I leave the building with everything they gave me of hers.

I walk to my house from the hospital with it being 20 blocks away. Fri never leaves my side as we walk the long distance. I turn on to the block and unlock the door with my mom's key and lock both doors. I pack some things from my room and some food from the kitchen before taking my mom's car to the safe house my dad set up for us. I grab my phone out and text Bea and tell her everything that is happening. She asks me where I'm going and I tell her the safe house. When we were sophomores we ditched school and I showed her the safe house. Of course, when I got home my dad busted me, for he had cameras and alarms for when people came into the house. She tells me that she will be over in the morning and I say alright.

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