Chapter 11

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I wake to the beeping of my alarm clock and sit up turning it off before getting out of bed. I stretch and pat Fri's head before heading to my closet to grab my clothes. I get dressed into my black 'girl power' t-shirt, white jeans, and my black converse. I brush out my hair and let the loose curls fall, for make up I do a natural smokey eye and a clear lip gloss. I put in some silver hoops and a diamond necklace before heading to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and make sure I look alright. I grab my things from my room before heading downstairs to go to school.

I find my dad in the kitchen pouring himself some coffee, "Morning Dad," I say walking into the kitchen. Fri comes padding into the kitchen before flopping down on the cold tiled floor. "Morning," my dad says looking over his shoulder, "Make sure you come straight home from school." I sigh before agreeing to it as I pour myself some coffee. I sit at the table and drink my coffee as my dad fries himself an omelette.

I finish my coffee and put my cup in the sink before heading out of the door with my things in hand. I drive to school taking in the fact that I'm grounded and that the dance auditions are this Friday. I have to meet up with Gina about our try out, hopefully dad will let me do it. He can't be mad at me for doing something I love, can he?

I pull into the school's parking lot and park in my normal spot before heading into the building. I meet Fae at the lockers, "Good morning, Fae." "Hey don't talk so loud," she says rubbing her temples with her index fingers. "You have a hangover don't you?" I ask with a snicker. "No shit, Sherlock," she says with a glare. "Someone is cranky when they're not feeling well," I say teasingly. "Oh hush," she says opening her locker. I see Enzo on the other side of the hall and sneak up on him.

"Hey handsome, how's your head feeling?" I ask, poking his forehead. "Hangovers suck, but I'll be ok," he said, pulling me to him. I peck his lips and we hold each other for a moment. I break away and kiss him again before he opens his locker. "I'll see you next class," I say before he kisses my forehead. "Ok, see you later babe," he said as he pulled his things out of his locker. I walk back to my locker and gather my things before heading to class.


Enzo had waited for me at the entrance of the cafeteria and we are currently standing in line to get our food. I grabbed my usual and we headed to our table with the guys. I could tell that they all had hangovers, heads down with their fingers massaging their temples. "So, who got the most drunk last night?" I ask as I sit down next to Kayla. Jace, Fae's brother, raised his hand as his head lay on his crossed arms. The group started to laugh, "What's funny?" I ask. Lina looked over at me with a small smile before saying, "Mr. Macho Man over there thought it would be sweet to hit on some girls in front of their guys and almost got jumped," ''Oh my gosh, what happened?" I say with a smile growing on my face. "Lina and I jumped in and got him out of there while apologizing for his drunk behavior," Fae says, flicking Jace in the head. "What'd you do that for?" Jace asks glaring up at Fae.

I munch on my food and listen to the group as they talk about the party last night. I just hope my dad didn't notice that I was gone, then again he was asleep when I got home. I learned that Janette had come and tried to be a hot shot but ended up getting sick on one of Enzo's jock friends. Who, I might add, Janette came with to the party. "You guys have pictures? Videos? Anything?" I ask with a smirk. "I think there might be a few on my phone," Kayla says, taking out her phone.

After a few moments pass, Kayla has some pictures pulled up on her screen. She showed me a picture of Janette as she threw up all over the jock. You could tell Janette was gonna try and be a hoe last night by the clothes she was wearing, a red tube top, high-waist short shorts, and black flats. Her hair was curled and her makeup was done so you could tell that she hadn't planned on swimming. The other pictures that Kayla got was of Jace hitting on a few girls when you could only assume were their boyfriends standing with them.

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