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Tumba pov

They put me in a huge room for the night but I didn't feel like going to sleep. I wanted to know what happened before I landed here. I needed to know who was chasing me. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in" I say and the person that walks in was romanda.

" Tumba?" She says and I smile and twirl my necklace. " Yes" I say " Would you like to come with me, I would love to show you something" she says and I nod. I walk out of the room and follow her to a white wall and she stops. She turns to me and smiles " you first" I gulp and go along with it and i put out my hand and it goes right through the wall.

I step through the wall. Then I am in the dark. Romanda steps through and she is holding a torch " Let's carry on shall we" she starts walking and soon I saw another White wall. She steps through and so do I and we are in a world of purple and black. I looked down at my clothes and see they have turned white.

" I spoke to my husband today, he would like to meet you" she says and she keeps walking.

Then we stop at a tree full of panthers then a old man with white clothing on appears " This is Tumba" she says and steps aside so that he could see me. " Tumba isn't your full name." He says. " Your full name is Mowi T'tumba Imca but you use to get everyone call you Tumba." He speaks of wisdom and very slowly.

" I can't remember anything" I say " I can see your soul. Full of light and hidden joy. " he says " Young child, do you know of your light" he says.
" No I don't. What light" I asked trying not to sound disrespectful. " you have Luminescence in your veins darling" he says and he grabs my hands and he looks at them.

My veins turned blue and purple and my eyes felt cold. " Your eyes are as purple as this spirit sky" he says. " You will do good things in this world unlike your father" he says. " My father? Who is he" I asked " You can answer that question yourself" he says and begins to fade away. " Thank you T'chaka" romanda says and she grabs my hand and we get out of the spirit world and back into ours.

" Good night T'tumba" romanda speaks and she disappears in to the dark hallway leaving me disappointed and confused.

I walk back to the room and close my door. I crawl in the bed and I pull the covers over me and I shut my eyes and go into a deep nightmare.

Next morning

I jolt awake breathing heavy and sweating like a track star. The dream was about the black figure. He also had a thrown and he locked me in a big tower until I found a way out. But that led me to the pod scene again.

I decided to get out of bed and walk to the balcony when reached the hot air I breathed it in and it triggered another memory.

I was walking in a field of nothing but flowers and in the far distance there were mountains. I turned around to see nothing but the same thing. I took once steps and all of a sudden I'm in a bed room with nothing but windows and a bed. I go to the door but it was opened by a man I couldn't see. He reached out to touch me and gold claws reach out.

I backed up and felt my back hit metal behind me and I blinked and saw that I was in the pod and the engine was smoking.

Then I felt someone grab my shoulder

I jump and spin around to see shuri. " You ok ?' She asked and I just nodded " Well we have some questions for you in the lab" she says.

She hands me some clothes and I go to the bathroom and put them on

She hands me some clothes and I go to the bathroom and put them on

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I walked out of the bathroom kinda.... uncomfortable but I just crossed my arms and smiled. " I don't usually say this but you look great. Better than my brother" she says " Your brother...the king?" I asked. " Love to chit chat but we gotta go" I nodded we went down to the lab and i was given all kinda of glares.

Shuri led me into a small room with 2 chairs and one black window. I stepped in and so did someone else. I sat the chair and a middle aged white man sat infront of me, 2 people came in and they hooked 2 wires to me and 2 which sensers on my temples.

" So, I heard that you fell from the sky. Any idea how that happened?" He asked.

" I have an idea"

" Let's hear it"

" from my dream, visions and hallucinations I believe I was chased by a black figure....he chased me...he ripped out the engine...it was falling...he tried to get to me but..before he could I jumped out" I say thinking about it as I spoke.

" Do you know your name?"

" Mowi T'tumba Imca but call me Tumba" I say recalling the man in the spirit world.

" Where do you come from"

" That I still do not know."

" So do you know where you are now?"

" Wakanda. I've heard about it before but no further information"

" Wakanda, what do you think about it"

" I mean it looks like a fantasy world country. It looked very...i don't know. I've never been outside before"

He stops and looks at me and raised his eyebrow.

" Never been out side before"

" I've never seen the blue sky. I think I was on the pod to get away from someone who was trying to keep me in" I started to really think about why that black figure was chasing me.

" So, I have heard that you have a light in your veins" he says

" Can you explain" he asked

" No" I turned my hands and the veins turned blue " I have no idea what this is" I say.

" One last question, who is your father"


Triggered another vision

I was walking through a hallway wearing a black dress and her hair all the way down to her feet. I walked until I made it to some kind of golden throne room. " My daughter" he speaks and I see a man with dreads and a beard sitting on a gold throne with a jaguar and he was smiling at me" Father" I speak.

" Tumba?"

" His name...his n-name is N'jadaka but His o-other name is Erik Killmonger. He is f-found me?" I started to get a head ache " He f-fo-found me b-b-by t- the r-river?" I said having flash backs.

" Your father Is N'jadaka? The evil one of Wakanda?"

" Yes I think that is about right"

" And he found you by the river"

" Yes. He found me and he took me to be his daughter"

" But why did you run away"

I started to think about it and the headache came back. Then I felt warm liquid out my nose " Um. Tumba. You have little-"

That is all I heard before I blacked out.

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