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The last thing I saw was Erik being carried by the Dora Milajae and T'challa picked me up bridal style then it all goes black. 

The pain in my back is what woke me up

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The pain in my back is what woke me up. I shot open my eyes and T'challa was by my side. He was holding my hand and he was asleep in the chair he placed beside me. I smiled at the feeling. I squeezed his hand back and he immediately woke up. " T'challa" " Tumba" " Thank you for staying with me" I said and he nodded. " Where are the others" I asked.

He sat up in his chair " You flat lined 7 times and you have been out for a week. They left to morn over you to early. Nakia is on a mission, shuri visited father's grave and mother has visited another tribe." He says. 7 times? And I'm still alive?

" How-why did I flat line"

" when N'jadaka pulled away from you spec and peices of his claws entered your blood stream, yours did the same thing to him"

" Where is he" I asked.

He looked behind him to Erik in some kind of healing pod " Shuri insisted that we help in" he says " And so did i" I said.
" why" he said. " I know why he is mad. Believe me I would be to" I explained. He patted my hand and kissed it " Get some more sleep" he says " You need your energy tomorrow" he says " What's tomorrow" " Wakandan festival" he says and he gets up and kisses my forehead and leaves.

I layed my head down and soft whispers call put my name

" Tumba.... T'tumba...MOWI" I shot open my eyes and looked around to see I was in the dark. Only a bright purple light led me out of the dark. I followed until I was in the spirit world again. I was in black clothing and had a Wakandan crown on. My brother stood in the middle of the field just taking in the view. I walked until I reached beside him.

" Brother" I said. He turns to me and I turned to him. He pulled me in a hug and I returned it. " I'm sorry " he says in my ear " I'm so sorry" he said. " Its not your fault" I said. " None of this is your fault" I said

" I should stay here" he says. I pull away from the hug and looked him in the eyes

" No no we have to go back"

" No, it's to much. They will throw me in chains and they will lock me away" he said " And I'd rather be like my ancestors. In the river because they knew that death was better than being in chains"

I sat there with tears threatening to fall out of my eyes " No..." I said and I let them fall. " Promise me you will throw me in the river as my funeral" I shook my head and pulled on his hand.

" Please" he begged. I then nodded, giving up my brother for the first time " Thank you Queen Mowi T'tumba" he says. " I love you" he ads

I shot my eyes open when I hear a continuous ring. I look over at Erik's pod and to see that he flat lined. I smiled knowing he is with me in spirit. Shuri ran over to him but I yelled "No" she looked back at me. " He wants to be with our mother" I said and she looked like someone just kicked a puppy. " I'm sorry" She says and I nodded.

I looked to my left and saw Erik standing there in white clothing smiling at me " Thank you" he says. I nodded and I turned back to shuri. She covered his face with a cloth and I let a tear slip.

Weeks later

I dressed in black and white and put on the the ring was on my brothers finger and kissed it. I looked in the mirror and he was standing there " You look beautiful Tumba" I turned around but he was gone. I turned back to the mirror and he still was gone.
" thank you my brother" I said.

I walked out the door and to see Okoye, Nakia and Shuri standing there

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I walked out the door and to see Okoye, Nakia and Shuri standing there. " Are you ready" I nodded and we walk walked. We walked to a platform on the water and we stepped on it.

We arrived at the falls and I saw my brothers body on the floor dressed in all white clothing and his arms crossed in an x. This made me break out in tears.

Quick flashes filled my eyes of us as kids  not many of of them but it was enough. I walked over to my brother and kissed his forehead " I love you" I said through all of my tears. I wipe them and o try to smile at the thought that he is here in spirit but I couldn't.

" I wish you were here with us" I said. I walked back to the others and romanda held my hand. Zuri prayed and the men behind him lifted his body up and put him in the water. " I can't" I said and I hugged romanda. " I killed him" I said. She soothed my head and she hummed and she kissed my forehead.

" Everything will be ok"

I cried making this and thinking about the movie

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