Part 19

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The Kaiju came swimming through the water. You could see the fin rise in the water. I took the stance and got ready to give a punch. The Kaiju jumped up through the rough storm waves. Once he jumped a flash of lightning shot through the horizon. My right fist made contact with the lower neck and made the Kaiju move a little bit backwords. The Kaiju came back to his feet and pushed me into the deep sea. He made his chance and climbed over my metal body.
"Activate fire arm" I  yelled loud.
My right arm blew up in flames and burnt the beasts right side. He screched in pain and back up. He charged back before I could look back and torn his tallens into my metal shoulders. The pain was inimaginable. His wing span was huge and the strength brought me high into the air. You could see the blue planet behind us.
My only chance of survival was to gwt out of his grasp and try my best to make it to the ground safely.
"Je-a y-u have the s-w-rd. It- u-r b-st cha-ce" I slightly heard from the radio. The tallens were rupshuring the receiver.
"Activate iron sword" I said through the pain. My left arm flailed and brought back to a solid 4 meter iron katana. I shoved my sword in his other side and out to slice off the wings.
The loud screech came again from the Kaiju and let go of me.
I began to fall back into the thin atmosphere.
"Jenna you need to have a solid landing to be able to survive the fall" The pressure was too hot. The flames were forming. I was falling with my stomach in postion to land first.
"Go too your feet, we will make it" I heard in the back of my head again.
I knew I could trust Glory. She was in my head and she wanted to survive aswell.
I brought the lever up to the center where the weight would drift. It only worked once in a blue moon.

I couldn't belive it

It had worked.

Thanks for reading again sorry. School has been stressful and overall just complicated. Thanks for staying and reading the ones that are.❤

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