Part 2

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You began to pack a small duffle bag with just a few things you might need.  Tshirts, shorts, pants, waterbottle, and bathroom necessities. You imagined you were only staying there for only about a week or so.
You walked back out of your room and put the bag by the door.
"What's that for?" Kienna asked while getting her shoes on.
"I need to go somwhere, family thing, I'll be gone for about a week"  I said while opening the fridge door.
"Ok, I'm just headed over to Matt's, stay safe ok?" She said while walking over to give me a hug goodbye.
"I will" I said laughing.
Kienna walked out of the door, while I went to grab a protein bar and my car keys. I put on my hoodie and slung my bag over my shoulder and went to go drive to the airport.
Once the plane landed, I grabbed my bags from the top compartment and waited for the long line of people to slowly get to me.

I opened up my phone to see that I got a text from my old friend Mako Mori. She was the only girl friend that I had while I used to be at the program

Mako: Hey, did your flight land?
Jenna: Ya, just got out. What's up?
Mako: we have the heli on it way Stacker and myself are in it.
Jenna:Ok, gotcha I'll be waiting

The wind from the blades were just crazy, ducking your head to make your way to the door the helicopter.
"Ms.Pickles, It's great to see you again"
Pentecost said loudy from the copping sound of the blades lifting off the heli pad.
" You as well" I said.
Don't get me wrong It was great seeing them again and they like a second family to me but I just don't want to bring back all these memories

About after an hour and a half you were able to see the old building that I used to call home.  The copper landed smoothly and Mako was the first one to get out. It started pouring when I took my first steps. We all made our way into the large metal building and soon to see a couple of familer faces.

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