❄️Chapter Sixteen

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I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sunlight from the window across my room. I abruptly sat up from my bed realizing what time could have been now that I'm awake.

"You're finally awake."

I turned my head towards that direction where I heard that voice..

She's on my desk here at my room where I do the paperwork that I need to double check for next day of work or read books to put myself to sleep.

I squint my eyes realizing who is she and why is she in my room.

"Stop gawking your eyes on me, as if I forced myself into you."

My eyes took a couple of blinks for I had a hard time recollecting the last memories of last night.

She was slightly glaring at me and judging on the towel laid out on the top of her head and the long black hair of hers looks a bit wet, hinting that she just took a shower and freshly came out of the bathroom.

• • • (— — )

"What are you doing in my room?!" I scolded, pointing my index finger at her after realizing who it was, but my mind on the other hand was trying to figure it out on how and why she even here.

And why does this event somehow been repeated? A slightly different scenario though. (— — )

Instead of her was in the bed, it was me! (๑  ๑  )

"Oh, really now? Have you forgotten what happened last night?" She says then after a second her lips curved into a smirk. "Well, I really don't mind telling everything to you."૮₍ ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ   ₎ა

What she have said first this morning came back to my mind...

With an uninterested look on her face, she looked at me in the eyes and said, "Stop gawking your eyes on me like as if I forced myself into you."

Instictively, I pulled my blanket towards me.

"W-what happened last night?" I asked, not sure if it's wrong to ask that.

But she didn't respond to me with words, instead she's smiling from ear to ear that made me look at my own body.

I'm in my sleeping clothes but I don't remember wearing it last night.

Heck, I don't even know how did I walked myself at my quarters! '(๑ △ ๑)'*

"I had no idea you'll get drunk so fast with just two shots. I'm sorry for forcing you to have a drink with me," she says with a serious look in her eyes. Her tone sounded like an apology, but when you look into her face, it doesn't sounds like it.

She's enjoying this. (— — )

"That....that was it?" I stutter that I subconsciously scoots myself in the corner of my bed.

"I didn't do anything stupid, right?"

"Hm?" She asked in a hum way, with a curious look on her face before letting out a soft laugh.

"I'm gonna be honest, you sure look cute though when you asked me those things." ૮₍ ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ  ₎ა

That added more into my confusion. I don't even remember what I had asked her.

What kind of things? That's what I wanted to know. ( ๑   ๑  )

"Don't worry, I'm a decent person even if I don't look like it. I was brought up with good parents, and taught me that I shouldn't take advantage of someone even if it looks sincere. If a person is drunk, the alcohol that speaks, not the person. So I shouldn't do what they have asked no matter what and how tempting it was," she said like it was meant to be praised, but I couldn't follow what route does this conversation was going that only added to my confusion as question marks had been dancing around my head the whole time she speaks.

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