❄️Chapter Fifteen

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"And who's the idiot that decided to regrow her zanpakūto as if it's part of the garden?" I asked, almost shouting to get attention.

She even had to put fertilizer on the ground where supposed to be roots was. (▼□▼ꐦ )

Not to mention, she even put a sign next to it just like how the other plants had, saying "Keep your hands off!" Imitating the "Don't pick flowers" or the "Keep off the Grass" signboard.

I don't know what she had in mind before doing this, but maybe she thought this masterpiece was witty or just missing some of her braincells for her to think that what she did was a great idea. (- - )

I know who's responsible for this, even if I don't have to ask.

That handwriting on the sign board.

And that six pointed star tsuba zanpakūto, of course that's hers!

Hana Yagyū (- - メ)

I just got back from a meeting and thought of having a fresh air in the garden to feel relaxed then this is what I've seen first thing! (▼□▼ꐦ )

"Well, the thing is, Captain..." One of them tries to explain.

"She put it there, because she said that it would help her not to forget her zanpakūto if she needs it as soon as possible."

"We are kinda bribed by baking us snacks," says the other.

"Yes, Captain. The rice crackers taste really good!"

"We don't see it as a problem so we didn't really mind."

They tried to talk to me one by one, giving their own thoughts about this issue where there's a new plant specie suddenly grew out from the garden.

"I don't care what she made you eat! Remove it here!"-I wanted to say that, but decided not to say it.

But I can't hide that I'm shaking in anger even if I tried so hard not to show that. (ꐦ 𝅒 _ 𝅒)

"I'm going to do something about it. We can't just let it stand there. Put it away somewhere else," I said, walking to go near it.

"Yes, Captain."

I reached out my hand to picked that up out of the ground.

And as if someone tries to take over my body. I froze.



"Slaughter them!"

"Rend....rip them apart....sever!"





Different voices coming from every direction tries to convince me that death was the most beautiful thing in this world.

Instinctively, I let go of my hand from handling its hilt. I could feel that my body had been drained out like it took away some of my spiritual energy from just a mere second of touching it.

The spiritual pressure was immense, inducing destructive urges, voices and whispers brought by that zanpakūto.

Or did she just put that as a defense kido that would induce fear to anyone that touches it?

Seal kido? Or kido barrier?

But that doesn't sound like it's a work of a kido.

"Is everything alright, Captain?"

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