❄️Chapter Seven

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"Captain Hitsugaya?"

She tried to shake him by getting a grip on his arm that was crossed on his desk as he was leaning on it.

"Hn?" she hummed raising an eyebrow getting a little bit annoyed as she was thinking that she was ignored.

She switched her attention to her Captain's paperwork on which he slept with on his desk for a while to shrug the feeling of annoyance building up inside her.

She kept all the papers neatly sorted and even checked it and tried to arrange it in order and brought it back to their designated folders and divider.

She went back to her Captain who didn't even move an inch, "Captain? Hey, Captain," she says, again trying to wake him up.

It also crossed her mind that what gifts that her Captain actually spent over time on his office and he even fell asleep just finishing the papers, and wonders where might be their Lieutenant Matsumoto went that she's not in the office that she usually pass her time by sleeping or drinking.

Remembering where she put the paper that he was working with that he slept on, she went to take that paper on the folder from the divider and tried to read what might that be, thinking that it must be important.

Seeing that it was only the report of one of her fellow members of the squad ten, she put it back on the folder and brought it back to the divider then she went back to where his Captain is.

She thought firmly with a frown drawn on her eyebrows because of this, that even if her Captain needs a lot of time to sleep, he must not do it at least in the office.

As a Captain, he should be a model figure so his subordinates would follow its lead. And that would lead the others to think it's okay to sleep during working hours, because the Captain was doing it too.

And that doesn't sit right for her.

"Captain?" She called once again.

"Oh, come on, Captain. It's morning already!" She tried to scold.

She's just worried that someone might see him slacking on the job.

Suddenly, the door slid open, she turned and just to see her superior, Lieutenant Matsumoto in a high-spirit like always.

"Good morning, Captain~!" She called out sweetly then ran to where Hana and her Captain is. "Here's your beautiful and most sexiest soul reaper, Lieutenant Matsumoto, at your service!" She greeted.

Hana just stared at her and eventually turns to where their Captain is. She finds it odd that it wasn't like him not to try and formally shut Lieutenant Rangiku in her very enthusiastic nature.

She turns her attention back to the lieutenant who is also wondering why her captain was not responding to her greetings, but still kept her smiling face intact to her face.

"Hehe.." Hana chuckled trying to find a way to lift up the awkwardness surrounding their atmosphere.

"Good morning, Lieutenant Matsumoto," she greeted and tried to smile to brush off the awkwardness.

Lieutenant Matsumoto turned towards her and smiled, "Oh hello, Hana."

They both turned their attention back on their Captain and stared at him for a couple of seconds.

"What happened here, Lieutenant?" Asked Hana, breaking the silence between them.

"What did you two do yesterday? Did you guys drink 'till you knocked out?"

"No way!" She defended herself from an accusation, but not taking it seriously.

Lieutenant Rangiku turned towards Hana, "Well, after the captain's meeting, he went back here at the barracks. That's all I know," she explained thoughtfully then turned back to her vivacious mood.

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