❄️Chapter Six

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I reached the place to check on my members on what's taking them for so long, with Rangiku on my side.

"Captain Hitsugaya! Lieutenant Matsumoto!"

And all of them noticed our presence that they had bowed their heads to salute, well except for one.

She's holding her katana by the hilt while the tip of her blade was pointing the throat of someone that I think was the person they had caught as a suspect.

And I can't help but notice it, since I have never seen her carrying around her zanpakūto as she said that I quote, "I can fight alongside you even without it my zanpakūto, Captain," end quote. (— — )

"Are there still soul reapers in this generation who had the guts to rebel against the soul society these days?" She asked, turning her head in my direction, without taking her katana away.

I'm not sure. (— — ٥)

"Come on now, talk!" One of the members asked, that made her turn her attention back to that man.

"Where are the others? Do you have any allies? Who is with you? Who are you working with?"

The others tried to threaten the person, hoping that he'll spit something out of the gutter.

"Is there any intel that we had managed to get from him?" I asked in general, and hoped anyone would try to answer.

"He's quite stubborn, Captain," one of them answered.

"Anyway, Hana. Don't use violence."

Hana retreats her katana off from threatening the person's throat, turning it on her hand that its blade points towards the ground.

"If we remain on going easy on him, it'll only lead us to nowhere," she answered, somewhat not bothered to what I was trying to imply.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you," she stated, then had her free hand held up to her chin that was wrapped with beads in her fingers and which I recognized that it was how you pray that she also closed her eyes.

She had recited words that were so foreign that I didn't understand, the others also gave each other the looks like asking if they knew what she was saying, but the obvious answer is, we're all thinking the same. None of us knew what she was trying to say. One thing's for sure, it's a foreign language.

She had done speaking that I had guessed, it was sort of like an incantation that I have no solid basis on it then she again brought back her zanpakūto, pointing its blade on his throat.

"Hana, stop it! We didn't have the orders to kill him. And besides, we had to get intel from him. He's the only one that we had captured!" I said with authority.

"Easy, Captain. I don't think she'll do that. Maybe she's only trying to intimidate him," assured Rangiku that I don't think that's going to happen here.

The captive tried his hardest to swallow his fear, "E-even if you threaten me, I-I won't say anything!" He cowers.

"Well.." She lifts the captive's chin by the tip of her zanpakūto.

"We'll see about that."


She walked to where the head was thrown off and picked it up from the ground and went to a nearby boulder rock and positioned the head there facing its body.

I marched my feet to where she is, "Hana, what was all of that?" I asked, obviously not amused by what she did.

She turned to face me and she didn't look like she was fazed on what she did. "I'm helping," she answered simply.

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