❄️Chapter Twenty

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"Captain?" He called after staring at her for quite some time.

"Why are you hiding under the desk?" He asked, confused as to why she was acting like that all of a sudden. Plus the anime dark background behind her that he reads that she's depressed which he's unsure what could be the reason behind it.

She's hiding under the desk, curled up into her knees and hiding her face on her arms, which is a whole new "her" showing up.

To be blunt about it, he felt like confronting a child who's guilty of something she does and it was embarrassing to accept that she was the main character of that blunder.

"Izuru-kun," she called with her voice a little bit shaky that made him swallow back, thinking that it must be something serious.

"Have you heard anything from Lieutenant Hisagi?"

"Shuhei?" He asked in wonder, turning his sights on the ceiling, looking back from his last interaction with the lieutenant of squad nine.

"Which part do you want to hear, Captain?" He asked, because he has a lot of episodes of interaction with lieutenant Shuhei that he could recall. A little hint would help.

"You see," she lifted up her head from burying it in between her knees, just enough that her visible eye and her eye with an eye-patch could peer up to him.

"Something happened last night and," she paused that he automatically looked up to the ceiling again, trying to look back from his memories if he somehow had interacted with his fellow lieutenant last night too.

She groaned then buried her face once again on her knees, making him turn towards her and still confused about what she was sulking about.

A thought had stuck him that made him flinched.

"Captain," he called her attention. "I hope it wasn't what I thought about, but are you and," he paused, quite hesitant to ask it. "Lieutenant Shuhei," he paused again.

"Are a thing?" He asked but he was quickly interrupted with her voice.

"I can just imagine a news article that will circulate around Seireitei entitled, " A baby girl that is naughty asked, please, spank me, daddy."," she says that made him more confused than it is as she started whimpering, uttering a sound of crying that's obviously forced and seemed fake.

"Well, at least it's not what I thought it was," he thought.

"Captain, can you please, tell me what happened exactly?" He asked worriedly, thinking that it was really a serious problem that needed an urgent solution to solve it before it broke out.

"Well, last night," she started.

Pages of the book had been flipped back, returning to the chapter where the story had been written in the back of her mind.

Lieutenant Matsumoto wrapped her arm over her shoulder, "Hana, my dear!" She greeted her and surprised her for a second.

"You've been promoted and yet you didn't say a word about it!"

"Not exactly, Lieutenant Rangiku," she tried to answer as she's simplifying how to escape from her.

As much as she wanted to, she doesn't want to talk about her promotion that she knew and it's obvious that everyone could literally read it was from a "no choice, but we need it" decision.

"Not exactly?" The lieutenant asked, but not actually interested about her promotion at all. After all, she can't see the difference between then and now.

"You know, Shinigami Women's Association had a meeting today. You should come!"

"I appreciate it, Lieutenant. But I am not a member of the organization-!?"

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