❄️Chapter Eleven

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It gets its name from forty sages and six judges who've been gathered from across the society.

It is the highest judicial system that exists within the soul society. When a soul reaper was charged with a crime whether it occurred in the soul society or the world of the living, it is here that they are judged.

Once a verdict was handed down, central forty six designates who will execute the sentence. The stealth force, or the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Once they declare their verdict, it's absolute.

No one, not even a Captain can appeal their decision.

That is the function of central forty six.

"Captain Hitsugaya."

They both looked up to the door that they used to enter the underground hall.

"Izuru," he calls, noticing who was the one that cast the shadow from the entrance door, "Are you the one responsible for this?" He asked with a pint of authority in his tone.

But instead of getting an answer, Izuru left them from that door as if he only went there to tell them that he was there.

"After him, Rangiku! Come on!" He then ran to chase after the lieutenant of the Third Division of the thirteen court guard squads.

"It's no use running! Answer me Izuru! Are you responsible for what happened back there!" Captain Hitsugaya asked, demanding to know what had happened to the deaths of the central forty six that he investigated after entering that they have been killed long before.

There's a lot in his mind and seeing Izuru was there, he got the idea that Izuru might know something.

"No," Izuru answered firmly.

"I was merely allowed in from the inside before you arrived. My role was to unlock the doors from the inside so you can get into the underground assembly hall," he explained simply.

"Who gave you those orders? Who was it!"

Izuru turned his eyes to look behind as he kept his distance away from the Captain who was chasing him and had the intentions of interrogating him for something that he clearly had no idea who might be the real culprit, "It's no secret. Central forty six gave the order."

"Then where is the official seal? Show me! Damn it!" Captain Hitsugaya cussed.

"Instead of chasing me asking pointless questions about orders and official seals, should you have been more concerned about protecting Momo?"

"What are you talking about? She's perfectly safe—!"

"Not the squad ten barracks if that's what you're thinking. You put a force field around the room Momo sleeping in, didn't you?" says Izuru, cutting him off that left Captain Hitsugaya into silence.

"A Kyōmon, a high level force field that repels attacks from the outside. So you left her there thinking she'll be safe. But that force field, is meant to keep people out, not in. Momo is a master of kido, breaking a force field like that would be child's play for her and she could put a force field around herself to hide her spiritual pressure while moving about. You didn't even notice, didn't you?"

As much as Toshiro wanted to interrupt him from spitting nonsense, he decided to let him spat words to know where he's getting at.

"She's been right behind you, following you the entire time," Izuru informed.

Worries ruled over him that chasing Izuru for interrogation about what had happened in the underground hall of the central forty six means nothing to him now. And as much as he wanted to beat the truth out of Izuru, "Rangiku! Can I leave this to you?"

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