❄️Chapter Eighteen

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"I've heard they've found someone to replace Captain Ichimaru."

"But we still think you deserve that seat, Lieutenant."

"Yeah," most of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"They should have seen your efforts that you're more than qualified and deserved to be a Captain."

"Everyone," he calms them down just right after he had announced a report that came from the Head Captain.

His fellow members were chatting and expressing their opinions at one another that regards their newly seated Captain that they had no idea who might be.

Most of them are against the idea.

"Our Captain will be here in any minute now. We should line up in the front court yard of the barracks to welcome the new Captain," he told them that they immediately followed his instructions.

They all patiently waited for at least three minutes on the front court before they saw someone's silhouette come in from their gate.

"Rather "it's him", it's supposed to be her," he thought after recognizing the person who just entered their barracks.

A young lady about the same age as the youngest captain of the gotei thirteen, Toshiro Hitsugaya, she looked so simple yet looked so modest.

Stepping in to use his voice to speak for everyone who had been the current highest authority in their squad, "Izuru Kira, Lieutenant of Third Division," he says, introducing himself then bows his head down low.

"It's an honor to be able to serve under you, Captain."

Every member of the Third Division had followed his lead and bowed deeply to that person.

She tried to pull a smile on her face. "Thank you for the warm welcome. I know this is quite a surprise, but I hope we'll get along," she stated which she had practiced more than a few times, but in the end she had cut her own script and didn't say the other lines.

They all lifted their heads from bowing.

"Captain," the Lieutenant calls her that she simply turns her visible eye on him. "Allow me to show you around."

"It's fine. We should probably get back to work," she says as she went on her way to go to her lieutenant-for now. And expects him to lead the way.

She decided to work on the paperwork first since it's been one of the works she used to do, back from where she was working from. And that she learned that it's not that difficult to learn it for a day and she was glad that the lieutenant has a very long patience to guide her with their work.

"You know, you should have been the captain of this squad instead of me," she says out loud on what she had in mind.

"It's fine by me if the Head Captain had to decide to transfer me here and be your Lieutenant instead," she added.

"Thank you, Captain. I appreciate the compliment, but I'm far less deserving to be on the rank," he responded then stunned on his seat when he turned his sights towards her desk and what greets him was her visible eye sharply glowering at him that he feels being attacked instead of just a stare.

"What's wrong, Captain?" He asks, slightly backed away.

She let out a sigh, "You're draining my energy just looking at your face, Izuru," she said bluntly that left him dazed and she doesn't feel responsible for that.

"I mean, smile a little or something. You looked depressed all the time. It makes me think I'm bullying you mentally and emotionally," she stated as shes pulling her lips upward by her index finger, to demonstrate what smile is, but that it didn't save him on bandaging his invisible wound.

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