Chapter 7 (Continued)

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"Marco what on earth are you doing here?" Chandra asked in delight as she pulled the door open to let him in. It had been a month since she had made her mind up to stay and she and her sister were closer than ever. Her relationship with Gary was still a secret at her insistence and she knew he was frustrated by it but she was not ready to profess to the little town that she was dating their pastor.

It was Wednesday afternoon and she had been getting ready to go to the soup kitchen at church.

"What? I cannot drop by to see my best friend?" The tall slim built beautiful young model asked with a grin, his blue eyes twinkling. "How about a big old hug?"

Chandra obliged hugging him tightly and inhaling his seductive signature scent. Marco Sanders was the face of Valentino, one of the most successful couture houses in the country. They had worked together on many assignments and had become fast friends. She had only heard from him twice since the accident but she knew he had gone away to Europe for several months. She dragged him into the kitchen and made him sit on one of the stools. "How about some tea?"

He grimaced and shook his head. "Coffee darling, you know that. You look good in spite of what happened. And you have put on some weight." he said looking at her critically.

"Caroline's cooking," she said without offence. "So what are you doing here? Not that I am not ecstatic to see you."

"I have listened to your fascinating stories about this small town and decided what the heck? I need to thaw out a little bit and I wanted to see you."

"You don't do small towns," Chandra pointed out as she poured the water over the coffee beans. "Try again."
"I wanted to see you darling and that's the honest truth. When I heard of the accident I was distraught but I had to keep on working. I am so happy that I did not have to come to a funeral. You know how I hate those."

"I do," Chandra said in amusement as she passed him the steaming cup of coffee. "I am so happy I did not have to put you through that."

"Thanks darling," he gave her a wicked grin. "Now tell me how are you feeling?"

"Great. I have been doing some gardening and it was going quite well until the winter came."

"Oh my Lord honey! I came at the right time! You digging in the dirt? The horror of it all!"

Chandra laughed in genuine delight realizing how much she had missed his sharp humor. "It's not so bad. I have also been going to church and helping out at the soup kitchen."

He stared at her in shock. "I have come to rescue you."

"I don't need rescuing. I am having fun." Chandra protested.

"You are not yet thirty darling and you sound like you have retired."

"We are models Marco and one thing we realize going in is that there is a short life span for that sort of thing."Chandra reminded him.

"That's why I have come to see you. Great coffee by the way.' He nodded in approval.

Chandra's cell phone rang at that moment and she lifted a finger at him. "Hey."
"hey i thought you were coming by. They have started serving already."

"Oh no! I am sorry Gary, a friend of mine stopped by. I won't be able to make it. Will you let the ladies know?"

"I want to see you later."
"I will let you know," she said evasively as she looked up at Marco's inquisitive expression.

"Did I interrupt a rendezvous? He asked her mildly.

"I was supposed to help serve food at the soup kitchen at church."

"So you weren't just pulling my legs?"

"No I was not."

"Now back to my proposition." Marco put his cup away and leaned forward. "There is this phenomenal idea that Valentino's came up with and I think we would make perfect music together."
"What is it?" In spite of herself Chandra felt her interest piquing.

"International models paving the way for others. We would be playing ambassadors for the company while modelling who they are. It is like putting it out there, and showing that what we do is not at all frivolous."

Chandra sipped her coffee slowly and thought about the tempting offer. "You were the one who suggested me?"

He nodded, his eyes meeting hers. "I am getting out of the business darling and i am doing it in style."

Chandra stared at him in shock. "You love modelling."

"I am sick darling," he gave a self deprecating smile. "I guess my lifestyle is catching up with me."

"Honey i am so sorry!"
"I am HIV positive."
"But that's not so bad."

"Felipe died a few months ago. He was the one who gave me that parting gift. I feel week and dizzy most of the time. It is developing into full blown AIDS. I have no idea how long I have darling."
"Marco no!" Chandra felt as if her world was crashing around her another time! First her accident, then Caroline having cancer and now this! How much more!

"I have made my peace about it and I am going to live what life I have left to the fullest." he got to his feet. "Now if you would point the way to the nearest one star hotel then i will be on my way."

"You are staying here."
"Darling are you sure?"

"I am."


"May I speak to you?" Sister Jaime Hill asked as she stood just inside the doorway of his small office.

Gary looked up from the sermon he was perusing and beckoned her inside with a smile. She had been one of those who had made it clear from the start that she would not mind being his wife but he had made it clear that he was not interested. "What's on your mind?"

"The fundraising effort by the ladies. I think that Sister Chandra should not be leading the effort to collect money for the men's department."

"Why not?"

"She is not exactly a church member is she?" the woman asked cattily as she looked at the man seated in from of her. She had eyes in her head and she had seen the way he looked at her. The girl was incredibly beautiful and none of them stood a chance against her!

"She grew up here and her sister is a member. She wants to help, so I don't see why we should not allow her to do so."

"She is never going to stay you know," Jaime got to her feet slowly. "She is way too sophisticated for people like us. As soon as she is well enough she will leave."

Gary stared at the woman and realized that the remark was meant for him. "It is her right. In the meantime we should be happy for her assistance."

Jaime nodded and left. Gary put away his pen and stared off into space. The woman was probably right and where would that leave him?

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