Chapter 2 (Continued)

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"You haven't change anything much," Chandra commented as she walked around slowly. She had not been back much and when her career had taken off she had hardly come back at all. She had been so caught up in the glamorous lifestyle that she had forgotten about the place where she was born and where she had spent the earlier part of her life.

"Mom and Dad made everything so comfortable that I had no need to change anything much." Caroline turned to look at her sister. After what she had said to her she had reconsidered her offer about her coming to stay with her. The house belongs to both of them but she Caroline had made it her home. "I changed up your old room a little bit."
"You mean you have taken down the pictures of the popular boys' groups of that time and repainted the pink walls?" Chandra said wryly.

"Something like that," Caroline said with a soft smile. "Come and see." The house was a four bedroom barn like building with a large backyard and a vegetable and rose garden. The furnishings were old fashioned but neat and there were throw rugs on the floors of every room. She pushed the door open and Chandra stepped back in time. Her bed was still the same except that Caroline had put on a green and white striped sheet with matching curtains billowing at the open bay windows. Her dresser and closet remained the same and Chandra could not help but smile at how tiny it looked now. She had amassed a great number of clothing and shoes and that closet could never hold a quarter of what she owned now! "I used to stand before that mirror and strike the different poses pretending that I was on the runway," she remembered dreamily as she went further inside the room.

"You used to try on Mom's clothes she wore to church and pretend that you were in front of the camera." Caroline said with a smile.

Chandra turned to look at her sister. "I did not mean what I said in the hospital,"

"I know," Caroline came over and pulled the slender girl into her arms. "You are my sister and I want you to be okay."

Chandra closed her eyes for a moment and nodded. "I will be."

"Okay good," Caroline released her and stepped back. "I having some of your things moved back here from your apartment. Some of your clothes and personal things."

Chandra nodded and wandered over to the window to look out. There was the old maple tree standing near the broken down fence. She had climbed up there so many times just to be by herself and dream of a much better life. One where she was draped in in couture and wearing designer jewelries and she had done just that and now it was over! "Would you mind leaving me alone for a minute?"

Caroline hesitated. She had taken the afternoon off from the office to see her home but she would have to get back there in the morning and she was wondering if she could leave her alone.

"Please Caro, I will be okay. i am not going to slit my wrists."

"That's not funny," Caroline said primly. She made to leave and then turned back. "I am making fried chicken and corn pudding."

"My favorite," Chandra mused with a small smile. "I have not had that in ages."

"I know. Don't stay too long. I would not want it to get too cold."

"I will be a few minutes. I promise."


"You are preoccupied," Gabrielle said impatiently as she stared at her brother.

"Sorry darling," Gary leaned forward and touched her soft cheek. "Ministry business. Sister Schrieffer is not doing too well and she is going into the hospital tomorrow. I want to go over and pray with her sometime tonight to assure her that we are all there for her."
"Are you sure that's it? I know you Gary and you have been doing this long enough for it not to bother you too much."

"You are interrogating me," he pointed out gently, on smile on his attractive face. "I take all the concerns of my congregants very seriously."
"Including international model Chandra Moore?" she asked with raised brows.

Gary looked at his sister sharply and was careful to school his expression. He had come home last night with her on his mind and had taken a very long time for him to fall asleep even after he had prayed. "She is a woman suffering from a trauma and I prayed with her and spoke to her."
"She is an incredibly beautiful woman who has men falling at her feet and I don't want to see my brother fall into the same category."

"You know me better than that."

"Do I?" Gabrielle leaned forward and took her brother's hands. "be careful."
"Of one of God's creation?"

"She is most men's dreams Gary and not because you are God's servant does not mean that you are impervious."

"You worry too much," he got to his feet. "Now how about some of that delicious lemon meringue pie Sister Joan sent over?"


"You ate off everything." Caroline said with a pleased smile as she got to her feet to clear the table.

"I could not help it. You made it as good as Mom did."

"I learned from her."
"I hated to cook. Each time Mom asked us to come and learn from her you always went but I disappeared. I had better things to do."

"You were never the domestic type," Caroline handed her a glass of wine.

"I hated housework, still do." she smiled into her glass. "I have maids who cleaned up after me and I never really appreciated them."

"You were - are a big star."

Chandra looked at her sharply. "Were being the operative word." she said bitterly.

"You don't know that yet."
"I do," Chandra told her bitterly. "My agent won't return my calls Caroline so I am guessing my career is over."
"Honey I am so sorry-"

"it's my punishment for turning my back on you and this town. God is punishing me."
"Honey God does not work that way."
"I have not read the Bible in years but I still remember what I read. I am being punished for turning my back on Him."


"I hate to impose pastor but could you please check up on her for me?" Caroline said as she made her way to work. She had thought about staying in with her but she had so many things to do and Chandra had told her to go on in. "I don't need a babysitter." she had said.

"How is she?"

"I left her in bed. She is suffering from depression and I am afraid she will do something foolish."

"I will go over as soon as possible."
"Thank you so much."
"No problem Sister Caroline. It is what I am here for." he hung up the phone and took a deep breath as he looked out the window. It was a lovely August day and there were birds chirping int he nearby trees. He was living in the small manse that came with the church and had made it a home. The furnishings were not fancy but a sister came by to do the cleaning every other day. Whenever he came home he would go to his study and plan his sermon for the next week or work out what he was going to do from one family or another. His sister was right. He was in deep trouble and he should probably leave her alone. But he could not! God help him!

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