Smaug x Ice-Dragon!Reader

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Although he detested leaving his mountain unguarded, Smaug trusted that his reputation was enough to keep his domain safe while he made his weekly trek to Ered Nimrais. Ever since he had laid eyes upon the last of the ice-breathing dragons, known amongst the race of men as "The White Death," he was certain that you were destined to be his mate and he would not settle for any other. Unfortunately, you had yet to take any interest in him or the mating gifts that he brought with him. He knew that the ice-dragons had always had a reputation for thinking very highly of themselves, and that their rarity had given them the impression that they were superior to all others. Nevertheless, he was persistent in his attempts to win your favor.

As always, he made his journey in human form, so as to not garner any attention from the settlements between Erebor and his destination. Making his way through the entrance of your lair, he stepped very carefully to avoid slipping on the frozen surface. He found you sitting on your throne, which you had crafted entirely out of ice. Like himself, you had a flair for the dramatic.

To him, you were as beautiful in your human form as you were as a dragon. In both states, your face and body glistened as if covered in a freshly fallen frost, and your eyes were a bright, piercing shade of light blue. Your hair was such a pale blonde that it was almost white.

You acted as if you were in your own world, before finally letting your gaze fall on him.

"Oh, it is you again," you said flatly.

"Yes, it is I. I have brought you a gift."

"Another one? Oh joy. Put it with the others," you replied, waving towards a distant corner.

"I want you to look at this one first," he said walking over to your throne. "These jewels were the pride of the Elvish king Thranduil. They are pure white gems that look as if they were crafted out of the stars themselves."

He watched as your eyes flickered over the stones, and for a brief moment, you wore an expression of being impressed. But, as quickly as it had appeared, it vanished again and was replaced with your usual nonchalance.

"They are very nice," was your only response.

"I was hoping you would wear these," Smaug said.

Your eyes quickly locked on his.

"You know very well what the meaning of that would be!" You said.

"Yes, I do. I intend to have you as my mate. I have gone above and beyond the normal dragon mating rituals because I expected you to be difficult to win, but I will not continue to come here and beg you to consider me. It is well known that you are the last of your kind. Either you can stay here and live alone until you die and your line ends, or you can stop looking down that snout of yours at those of us you consider beneath you and accept my offer. I would make a good mate for you."

"You are a fire-breather! A destroyer! Look at what I have created here!" You yelled, standing up and waving your arms at the intricate ice-work that detailed every corner of your lair. "It is beautiful and speaks of my great skill! You know of nothing but destruction and ruin!"

"I will not argue with that statement," he replied with a smirk. "But, I believe your reason is far simpler than that. I think that you are afraid."

"How dare you imply that I am frightened of anything? I, Queen of the Ice-Dragons, afraid? Afraid of what?"

Moving dangerously close to you, he said, "You are afraid to feel the savor the heat."

Then he grabbed you by the back of the head, pulled you to him, and planted a rough kiss on your lips. He poured all of his love, his longing, and his lust for you into it. When he pulled back, Smaug saw that the layer of frost that normally covered your face had melted into a glistening dew.

Smaug gave you pleased smile and whispered, "Does this mean you will adorn yourself with my gems?"

Your eyes flickered open and you stared at him. But once the overwhelming effect of his kiss had passed, you pushed yourself away. Smaug saw the anger flash across your beautiful features before you transformed back into your true form. Taking your action as a threat, he too changed back into a dragon just in time to stop your blast of ice with his fiery breath.

For a few moments, you stayed like that. His fire melting your ice enough to keep it from advancing, and your ice melting into water that extinguished his flames to the point that they could not reach you. Realizing it was a draw, you both ceased your efforts.

"We cancel each other out," you muttered. "Our offspring would be powerless. Your genes would weaken my bloodline."

For the first time since you had met him, you saw the dragon's rage that he kept buried deep inside find its way out. Your beautiful ice fortress trembled and began to crumble with the force of his roar. You had seen him in his true body before, but never had you realized, until now, his capacity for ferocity. Had he always been this large and intimidating?

"I have tolerated your indifference and your arrogance, but I will not stand here and listen to you insult by ability to be a viable mate! Stay here and let the ice you love so much find its way to your cold heart, if it has not done so already. I will not be returning."

With that, he turned and left you alone in your lair.


The weeks passed and you found yourself greatly missing his presence in your life. Many times you thought about going to him, but what would you say? It was not in a dragon's nature to apologize. One day, you sent one of the birds that would often seek shelter in your home to check on him and report back. You were sitting on your throne when it returned at full speed, chirping away rapidly.

"What?" You asked, shocked that the humans would have the audacity to attempt such a thing. "They mean to attack him?"

The bird chirped in affirmation.

Without hesitation, you got up and hurried towards the exit before stopping dead in your tracks.

"I almost forgot something."


As you dropped lower in the sky, you saw that Smaug had decided to engage his opponents outside of the mountain. They had brought a great many soldiers with them, but your attention wasn't on them; it was on Smaug. The way he eliminated their forces with his flames was a sight to behold. It was, in its on way, an elegant form of artistry. You realized you had definitely not given him the credit that he so rightfully deserved.

Diving straight down, you released bursts of ice upon the warriors and landed on top of them, instantly shattering their bodies into shards. Working together, it did not take long for the survivors to decide to retreat. As you watched them run for the safety of their villages, you shaped your body back into a human form. You didn't hear Smaug sneak up behind you.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

You turned to see that he had taken his human form as well. For the first time, you let yourself appreciate his handsome, chiseled features and his golden eyes. You watched as the yellow orbs flickered to your neck and a large smile graced his beautiful face.

"You're wearing the Elven gems," he stated.

"Yes, it appears that I am," you replied, trying to copy the nonchalant tone you had always used on him.

"You do realize what this means, don't you?" He asked, moving so close that you had to tilt your head upwards to look at him. "What about my diluting your powerful bloodline and our useless offspring?"

"How could Smaug the Terrible and the White Death...the King Under the Mountain and the Queen of the Ice-Dragons...produce anything but the most powerful of heirs?"

Running your hand through his dark hair and pulling his head down until your lips were mere inches apart, you added, "Either way, it doesn't matter. Your fire has already melted my ice. There's no going back." 

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