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     It was morning time in Riverdale, Queenie and Sweet Pea were laughing as they walked down the hallway together

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It was morning time in Riverdale, Queenie and Sweet Pea were laughing as they walked down the hallway together. Queenie had an appointment at the hospital and as always, Sweet Pea tagged along.

Queenie frowned when they entered the waiting room area to see Archie sitting in one of the chairs. He had blood stains all over his leatherman jacket and he seemed to be crying as he placed his phone down. "I'll catch up with you later, Pea." She told the tall Serpent quietly, keeping her eyes locked on Archie.

"You sure? What's wrong?" He questioned before his eyes darted over to see what Queenie was staring at, "Isn't that your brother's friend? The one that was at Southside High the other day?" He asked her and Queenie slowly nodded her head.

"Yeah, it is," She replied, "I'll see you back at the trailer. I'll find another ride home." She told him as she leaned forward and placed a kiss to his cheek before heading over to Archie.

Sweet Pea sighed as he hesitantly walked away and made his way toward the truck he had bought a couple weeks back. He bought it when both Queenie and Polly were living with him. Queenie refused to go on the motorcycle ever again after getting car sick once, so he decided to buy a cheap truck from a friend so he could still drive her around.

Queenie walked over to Archie and stood in front of him, looking down. Archie didn't seem to notice that she was there, he was too deep in thought about what had happened to him, "Archie?" Queenie spoke up quietly, catching the attention of the redhead. He slowly looked up at her, giving her a sad look, "Can you tell me what happened?" She asked him in a calm tone. Queenie took a seat beside him, waiting for the boy to grow the courage to finally speak up and tell her what had happened.

"My dad...he was shot at Pop's this morning. Some robber came, he was wearing a black hood." He explained to her. Archie stopped multiple times, his voice cracking as he spoke. He was clearly still in shock.

Queenie sighed, giving the boy a sympathetic look. She pulled him in for a tight hug. They stayed like that for a moment until Queenie finally pulled away. She turned her head to see Veronica, Betty, and Jughead arriving.

"Arch?" Betty called out, gaining the attention of Archie.

Archie got up from his chair and his friends instantly hugged him. He began to cry and Queenie stood there, watching as the boy's friends comforted him.

"I better get going..." Queenie trailed off quietly before she exited the hospital and headed to the Whyte Wyrm.

Queenie walked into the Whyte Wyrm to see that not many people were there, seeing as it was still morning. Soon enough, her phone rang and she lifted it up to see that it was Jughead calling her. She pressed the answer button before placing the phone to her ear, "Jones family, house of dysfunction, can I talk a message?" She answered the phone with a smirk. Queenie began to laugh when she heard Jughead groan in annoyance on the other end, "What can I do for you, Jughead?"

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