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  "And where the hell are you going?" Sweet Pea asked curiously then looked down to see his truck's keys in Queenie's hand, "And with my keys? Wow

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  "And where the hell are you going?" Sweet Pea asked curiously then looked down to see his truck's keys in Queenie's hand, "And with my keys? Wow."

  Queenie sighed she walked over to Sweet Pea, who was standing in the kitchen, "I was really hesitant to tell you, but screw it," She told him, "Way back when, before you knew me or joined the Serpents, I got into this fight in Greendale alongside Mandy when some bitches tried to pick a fight. The fight continued and the cops showed, Mandy surrendered, but I didn't, I kept punching the girl. A cop came and tried to pry me off but I ended up turning around punching him, too, just like I did with Grundy. I ended up being charged and I had no chance of getting out because I hit a cop. I ended up calling Penny in for a favor and she ended up getting me out, I didn't even have to serve any time. I had to do favors for her and that continued for a long time, even after I started to date Jason. The only person who ever knew about that was Jason," She explained, "Those favors ended and after I came back, I still didn't have to do any favors still. To help my dad get out of jail earlier, Jughead's dumb ass went to Penny. She helped my dad, but Jughead owed her a favor. I couldn't let that happened so I took his place."

  Sweet Pea listened to her intently and his eyes widened in shock, "Is that where you're going now?" He asked and Queenie nodded her head.

  "It's in Greendale. Penny texted me and said she left the crate near the truck in the front, meaning yours." She explained and Sweet Pea sighed as he walked over to Queenie.

   He stood in front of her, leaning in for a kiss. As their lips touched, Sweet Pea snatched the truck keys from Queenie's hands. He then pulled away and smirked, leaving Queenie shocked, "Hey, that isn't fair!"

  "Life's not fair, Queenie." He told her, smirking as he quickly put his boots on and grabbed his jacket, "We better get going, wouldn't want to be late."

  Queenie rolled her eyes at him yet still smiled, "Who said you're coming with me?" She questioned.

  "I did. Do you really think I would just let you drive to Greendale all by yourself with a crate full of drugs? What kind of dude do you think I am?" He replied and Queenie sighed as she followed him out the door.

  "I can take care of myself, Sweet Pea," She reminded him.

  Sweet Pea laughed slightly as he opened the back of his truck before picking up the small crate by himself and placed it in the back. He closed the back of the truck before walking over to the passenger's side, "I know you can. I literally watched you beat up three Ghoulies on your own while four months pregnant." He smiled as he opened the passenger side door for Queenie, "I'm just here to keep you company and to drive."

  Queenie climbed into the truck before Sweet Pea closed the door for her and made his way to the driver's side. And with that, the two teenagers drove in the direction of Greendale.

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