Fangirl || Felix

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A/N: Ahhh this book, my first ever published book, has reached 1k views :O!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting on this book! And please feel free to request, since I'm struggling to get ideas :'D.

(bf/n) = best friend's name :)

- (y/n)'s POV:

Lunch bell rang, and as soon as the teacher walked out the classroom, my bestfriend (bf/n) peaked her head in. "Heyy~" I smiled at her, telling her to take the seat in front of me.

She grinned and came over, her lunch in her hand as always. We were used to having lunch in my class since it was more quiet, and... since my classmates, Felix and Changbin, always stayed in the classroom.

Don't get me wrong, we're not stalkers. But we ship. It kind of became a habit after watching a lot of dramas and animes, but then we just suddenly shipped two real-life guys.

It was weird indeed, but they were so cute. Cute as individuals, and cute as a couple. They weren't that touchy with each other, but they'd sometimes throw an arm over each other's shoulders, and that was enough to send me and (bf/n) squealing.

But we know that'd bother them if they knew about this, so we keep this secret between ourselves.

They'd sometimes catch us staring at them, and they'd often smile and Felix would even wave at us. I would avoid eye contact, not wanting to look suspicious, but (bf/n) would wave back at him with a wide grin. (y/n you're the suspicious one this way dear)

"I actually sometimes think of writing fanfictions." (bf/n) says hesitantly after finishing her food.

"You've always wrote fanfictions." I frown at her, raising an eyebrow. Fanfictions weren't something new to her.

"Hey, I mean fanfiction. Like, about them." She nodded her head at Felix and Changbin who were sharing earphones, listening to some rap song probably.

I was about to smile at them, till I realized what she has just said. "No. (Bf/n) no! Writing fanfiction means... Means writing it on something, like, someone can see it!"

"(Y/n). English. (Or korean for this matter)" (bf/n) sighed.

I took a deep breath before speaking, "What if someone reads it? That'd be bad."

3rd person POV:

"I think so... I mean, even if someone read it and told people about it, the worst thing that'd happen is Felix and Changbin not being friends anymore, but—"

"No! I can't take that!" (y/n) cried, standing up.

"Woah, something happened?" Felix said.

She frowned at him, 'Just focus on your boyfriend.' She thought. "Nope, sorry for being loud."

"First, we can't let that happen. We can't ruin their friendship. Second, what if students start calling you a geek? A freak?" (y/n) pout at her friend in concern.

"Well, some already call me a freak but yeah, that'd be bad if more people started calling me that."

As (y/n) nodded at her friend, the bell rang, signalling the end of the lunch break. (bf/n) went to her class, and Felix stood up to go to his seat which was behind (y/n).

As he walked past her desk, he placed a small folded piece of paper on her table with a little smile, which confused (y/n). Did he find out? But why would he smile?

Then what?

(Y/n) sighed, frowning at the piece of paper. She was afraid of opening it.

Meanwhile, Felix cocked an eyebrow as he watched her shift in front of him. 'What's wrong with her? Why won't she read it? Is she too shy? Excited maybe?' He thought, smiling to himself.

After a few moments of thinking, (y/n) took the paper and unfolded it slowly. But what it had was unexpectable, which left (y/n)'s mouth open in shock.

'Wait for me at the end of school, in front of the gate. I'll walk you home :) -Felix'

She couldn't help but wonder about what he wanted, so she ended up thinking about it the whole day.

As soon as the class finished, (y/n) put her things into her bag and stood up, taking a quick glance at Felix. He was still writing something, so she went out first.

He arrived after a couple of minutes of waiting in front of the gate, and she couldn't help but pout at him. "You're late."

"Yeah, sorry." He smiled apologetically, putting his hands in his pockets, "Shall we go?"

(Y/n) nodded and walked forward, and Felix walked next to her. For most of the time, both of them were silent, but then Felix spoke up. "So, you probably know I have something to tell you, right?"

"Hmm... Yes, I thought so."

"Welp... Well you go out with me?"

(Y/n) stopped in her tracks, even the word 'what' was stuck in her throat. She was beyond shocked. She couldn't comprehend what he just said. What? Why? How?

After spending a lot of time staring into Felix's beautiful eyes, she managed to speak, "Huh?"

He let out a weak laugh, "Are you that surprised?" He took a deep breath, "Look, I'm sorry but I don't like you. Yet."

(Y/n) couldn't even cock an eyebrow at this moment. 'Boi what are you saying???' She couldn't understand him. At all.

"You've been looking at me all this time at school, avoiding my gaze and such, and I thought you were too shy to confess, so yeah... I think you're cute, and that way we'll get to know each other more." He smiled.

'Oh, so he thinks I have a crush on him?'

(Y/n) just stared up at him in shock, her mind thinking about million ideas all of a sudden. Did it look like she likes him? Does this mean he's straight? Should she just date him? Is she interested in him? Or should she explain the whole situation to him?

'What the hell have I gotten myself into?'


A/N: I think this needs a part 2 idk// school is killing me ;-;

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