Soulmate AU (request) || Hyunjin

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This is for mercilesslymark  , Hope you like it~~

SOULMATE AU: Time freezes when you make eye contact with your soulmate.


(Y/n) freaked out as she stood in line, waiting for her turn to talk to the boys and have them sign her album. It was (y/n)'s first time going to fan sign, and Stray Kids are her favorite group, so she was quite nervous.

Her friend stood up from her seat and went to (y/n), "Don't be so nervous, okay? I know seeing the boys face to face will be hard, but just keep your breath steady and tell them all you want, yeah?" she said with a smile as she patted (y/n)'s back to comfort her.

"I feel like I might cry when I see Hyunjin though. I'm already so happy and emotional and just--"

Her friend sighed loudly, "It'll be okay!" She gave (Y/n) thumbs up, "Now go, I'll be filming you." She winked before going back to her seat and  getting her camera.

When it was her turn, she took a deep breath before approaching Felix. He looked so beautiful in real life which made it even harder for (y/n) to focus or think. She awkwardly greeted him, which made him laugh as he greeted her back. Felix was so nice and kept asking her questions about herself, which made her relax a little as they chatted. At last she gave him a little gift that she got for him before going to the next member.

It was almost the same for every member. She would ask some questions and they sometimes asked too, and at the end they would hold her hand or raise their hands for a high-five, and (y/n) was smiling through it all. It felt so amazing meeting them in real life, and they were even nicer than she thought. She was so happy and her heart was beating so fast that she could hear it even though the room was so noisy.

It felt like the room was buzzing with happiness, and almost everyone here was talking. (Y/n) high-fived Han with a wide grin before waving goodbye and going to the next member. When she realized it was Hyunjin, she felt her heart stop for a moment. He was her bias ever since she knew Stray kids, and he wasn't just an idol for her, he was more of a crush. She just loved his personality so much, and pretty much everything about him, especially his laugh.

He was waving to the girl who just left, then he turned to (y/n). When their eyes met, (y/n) felt like the world around her has stopped, and it was only her and Hyunjin existing in the moment. (Y/n) could hear her heartbeat thrumming in her ears, but the noise around her was gone. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she averted her gaze from Hyunjin to the place around her. Everyone and Everything was frozen. Her friend, Stray Kids, the girls, they all were frozen in their place.

She heard a chuckle and turned back to Hyunjin. "What..."

"Who would've thought that I'd meet my soulmate at a fan meeting?" He laughed, blushing.

(Y/n) let out a shy laugh, "Who would've thought that my soulmate would be Hwang Hyunjin?"

"What's your name?" He grinned.

"I'm (Full name)."

"Is this your first time at a fan meeting?" He asked before facepalming, "of course it is! what am I saying? I'm so stupid--"

(Y/n) laughed, "It's alright. I can't think straight as well."

Hyunjin stuffed his face into his hands, "This is so embarrassing," He said, his voice coming out muffled. (Y/n) could see his ears getting red, which made her laugh in relief. It's not just her who's shy.

"It's okay, I'm shy as well."

"It's not fair that you knew me before I knew you..." He pouted as he slowly put his hands down before taking a deep breath and looking up to meet (y/n)'s gaze, "How old are you?" He tilted his head to the side.

"(Your age)." (Y/n) smiled.

"You look so cute when you smile.." Hyunjin said, his voice trailing off.

(Y/n) froze and the smile immediately vanished from her face . She looked elsewhere as well as her hands went up to her warm cheeks as a habit of hers before replying, "Y-You look way cuter."

"I'm not cute."

"You are! And your cuteness doubles when you laugh!" (Y/n) said, her voice a bit loud. After all, she loved his laugh so much. She used to watch 'Hyunjin laugh compilation' videos when she'd sad, and it never failed to brighten up her mood.

Hyunjin changed the subject, looking back at her. "Do you live here? Can we meet again?"

"I do live around here... But I'm afraid meeting you might cause problems for you." She frowned.

Hyunjin smiled, "It's okay, I'll take care of that. I'm so happy to meet you."

"I'm way happier, this feels like a dream!"

"I want to know more about you but I can't think of any questions to ask." He whined.

'Cute.' (Y/n) thought as she reached for his hand, "It's okay, there's plenty of time for us to get to know each other!" She beamed.

"Oh! I do have a question." Hyunjin said, holding (y/n)'s hands tightly, "Who's your favorite in stray kids?"

(Y/n) snorted, "You, silly."

He frowned, "I was just asking, since it could've been anyone else..."

"You've been my favorite ever since I saw you!"

"Okay okay I get it!" He said as he opened the album. (Y/n) smiled, finding him adorable since he was blushing a lot. He signed it, putting a small heart and his number.

"I really am looking forward to knowing you better." She smiled, taking her album.

"Me too!" He waved cutely.

Time started working again as she moved on to Chan who was the last member, but then she remembered her gift for Hyunjin. "Oh wait- I got something for you!" (y/n) put her hand into her pocket before pulling out a ring and putting it into Hyunjin's hand quickly. After having a quick chat with Chan (Y/n) ran back to her friend without looking at Hyunjin. Her heartbeat was so fast and she already felt tears warming her eyes.

"I'm so happy."

"I know. I can see it on your face." Her friend sighed with a smile, ruffling (y/n)'s hair.

After the fan meeting, at the dorms

"Today was so fun~" Jisung laughed as he played on his phone, and Seungmin nodded.

Hyunjin smiled, his eyes immediately averting to the new ring now on his finger. He sighed before taking it off and putting it on his desk, along with his other accessories. "I'm going to take a shower." He told them before taking his new clothes and getting into the bathroom.

Jisung put down his phone and stood up. "You saw that, didn't you?" He told Seungmin in a whisper, putting his hands on his waist.

"Yes, obviously. Everyone noticed his new ring, and how he kept checking his phone twice a minute. Hell, he even skipped to the room."

Jisung hummed as he walked over to Hyunjin's desk, "Oh look, it has something written on it from the inside!" He whisper-yelled, taking the ring to take a better look at what's written. "Where... Stray kids stay... That's so cool! How come only Hyunjin gets a ring like that?" Jisung pouted, putting the ring back to its place.


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