Hacker AU || Changbin

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Changbin glanced at his watch and smiled. 2:50 am.

When Changbin moved to this building a couple of months ago, he set a couple of security cameras in the hallway, just in case someone undesirable came to visit him. They were only useful one time when a fellow hacker decided to pay him a visit with a knife, other than that it has been just his family or friends, so he'd tidy his room and all.

Until one night when he was staying up late working on a tough task, he heard something in the hallway. It was 3 am, and that just made him more afraid. Then when he checked the cameras, he saw his neighbor that lives next door walking through the hallway and to the elevator. It was weird, but he decided to just ignore it since he had nothing to do with it.

Then next week, as Changbin stayed up playing video games, he heard the same noise outside. He heard a door opening and closing. At 3 am. And when he saw the cameras, he laughed because of his weird neighbor. "Who the hell goes out at 3 am wearing a penguin onesie?"

He couldn't help getting interested in his weird neighbor, and without noticing it, he started staying up everyday just to see her skipping through the hallway and to the elevator. And soon it became a special thing in his day, something he eagerly and patiently waited for everyday, even though she goes out only once a week.

-Back to present-

He averted his gaze back to the screen with a smile, waiting for his neighbor to show up. He talked about her a lot with his best friend Felix, and after a lot of nagging from him, he finally decided to have a conversation with her.

As always, the female opened her front door and walked out, this time wearing a pajama. He chuckled, "Cute."

But then he started freaking out. He didn't know where she went after getting in the elevator, and it would be awkward to just go out now.

So he decided to just wait for next day.


"Why are all my clothes black..?" Changbin mumbled, looking through his closet. He wanted to look good today since he's seeing his neighbor whom he has admired for a while now, but was disappointed at his own closet that was full of black hoodies.

He took a shower and ended up wearing a black hoodie and jeans. "I can do this." He nodded at the the mirror, before going out.

And stood in front of his neighbor's door for a while.

Hey Felix
I'm outside her door right now
what shOULD I DO

Felix The Cat:
k n o c k

and after knocking? What should I tell her?

Felix The Cat:
confESS lol
i'm serious tho
jk just ask for her number??? maybe ugh
dude ur alone bye

Changbin clicked his tongue and put his phone back into his pocket. After thinking a lot, he decided to just give it a go and knock. As his fist reached to the door to knock, the door was opened from inside, making him fall over.

She caught his shoulders, "Woah, are you okay?"

He quickly backed from her and nodded, "Yes, uh, thank you for catching me."

"It's okay but... Why were you outside my apartment?" She raised an eyebrow, taking a step back.

"It's nothing creepy! I was even gonna knock but you opened the door. You see, I live next door, and just want to make friends?" he tilted his head with a smile, hoping she won't refuse.

"Oh, so you're the guy who moved here 2 months ago. Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)." She smiled, and it was enough to make Changbin fall in love with her. Her smile looked so beautiful up close, he thought.

"I'm Changbin."

-4 months later-

They became friends almost instantly, since (y/n) was so nice and friendly, and Changbin was happy that he's now closer with her.

One night when they stayed up late playing video games, (y/n) told him that she was going to the rooftop, and then he noticed that it was 3 am.
He asked her about it, and she said that it was just a habit, to stargaze at 3 am once a week. Weird but cute, he thought.

One thing bothered (y/n) about their friendship though, and it was that he kept so many secrets.

They hung out often at her apartment and watched movies or played video games, but he never invited her over. And he never answered her about his job, always changing the subject whenever she asked him.

He knew a lot about (y/n), yet refused to say anything about himself, which disturbed her.

He just wanted to protect her.

"Hey Changbin, I'm serious." (y/n) frowned as they were hanging out together at a cafe.

"I'm serious too! What was that picture you posted on instagram? Your shirt was so transparent." He took a sip from his drink, actually meaning his words. He didn't like how most of the people who commented were males.

"Stop changing the subject."

"Why do you wanna know about my job anyway?" He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side.

"Just because. It feels creepy that you know almost everything about me yet I only know your name. How come we're friends like that?" She glared at her pancakes, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Okay, I'll tell you."

"Woah, really!?" She grinned, looking up to face him.

He smirked, "Yeah, but don't pester me with more questions after that, okay?"

"That's not fair... But I'll agree, for now." She smirked back.

"What do you mean for now!?"

"Come on just tell me!"

Changbin nodded and told her to come closer, then leaned close to her ear and whispered,


A/N: this chapter is so random kjhsalkdjfj but I have a thing for hackers and secret identities and such lol/////

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