Together (request) || Minho

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ayyyyeeee back with another request.
this one is for ChangliX-Trash , hope u like it~

Also I published a new book for our prince hyunjin! Hope you consider checking it out, thank you 💕

"You need to be careful, Beom-ah, some people are starting to suspect you and your classmate Lee Minho, and like this they'll know soon enough." Jia told Baekbeom after practice as they walked home together. "It'll affect you, especially since you're a famous solo idol now."

"I know I know, I'll be more careful." Baekbeom smiled, "See you," She got into her apartment and so did Jia.

The next day Baekbeom went to school as always, but noticed how students kept glancing at her as she made her way to her class. Before she entered the classroom, she heard her classmates chatting.

"Yo, Baekbeom and Minho are really dating? I never expected that!"

"Seriously? Didn't you ever notice how she treated Minho? It was obvious."

"But Baekbeom is so beautiful though, why would she go for a loser like Minho?"

"Yeah, he's talentless and she's a queen. I can't really understand her point of view."

'What the hell? Minho is not talentless!' Baekbeom frowned as she stood outside of the classroom. She didn't know what to do. Maybe it was just rumors, so she should deny them for her career's sake, but she couldn't stand hearing those words about Minho. Minho was was the cutest and nicest person she ever knew, and he always helped her with dancing and rapping.

She got a text from her manager telling her to come to the company at once, so she left school and went there.

"What were you thinking!?" Her manager said as she shoved her phone into Baekbeom's face, on it was a dating scandal with pictures of Baekbeom and Minho on a date.

"I-I am really sorry, but..." Baekbeom said in a small voice, her gaze glued to the ground.

"But??" The manager yelled.

"I want to... reveal my relationship with Minho."

The manager gasped in shock, looking at Baekbeom in disbelief, "Don't you even understand your position!? Fans are really mad with the rumors already, and you want to confirm it? You're insane."

"No I'm not! If the fans won't be happy with my decision then they never actually loved me or supported me, and I'm fine without fans like those." Baekbeom yelled back, angry enough from the talk she heard this morning at school, "I love Minho, and I want all the world to know just how much I love him."

The manager sighed, "I guess I can't change your mind." She pressed the bridge of her nose, "Do as you wish."

Baekbeom smiled, "Thank you."

It was later that day when jype revealed that Baekbeom is dating her classmate, Lee Minho.

Baekbeom was at her house when she got a notification about the scandal. She smiled and opened it, only for her smile to fade when her eyes landed on the comments.

:woah didn't expect that
:Baekbeom has such a bad taste in men
:I can be a better partner for her haha
:Skinny legend should date another skinny legend
:How did he get her to date him? He looks like a pig
:I want to be happy for her, but idk she desreves better...

She was so angry at the comments and teared up, thinking of Minho. What if he saw the comments? How would he feel? Would he still want to be with her? 'I shouldn't have revealed it...' She thought as she cried, putting her phone down.

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