Sorry (request) || Jisung

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For chilolehh , thank u for ur patience and hope u like it :))

Lee Know facts: (Credit:
"His role in the dorm is cleaning and being a hyung who listens to his members' concerns."
This is just too cute kdhpscdoepxmx

"No it's not gonna be alright! Did you even listen to me?" Jisung huffed, getting up from the couch to look at (y/n).

"Yes I did! I always do! But you know I know nothing about your job and I don't know how it works there, so what else can I say!?"

"Anything but that line you always say! Whenever I actually need comfort or help you always just tell me that it's gonna be alright! Words never help, you know? I used to believe it'll get better, but I can't anymore."

"What about you? Do you ever actually worry about my problems? In the past I used to take care of my problems and yours, but I just can't do that anymore!"

"I always tell you about my problems, why would you keep yours to yourself? We're supposed to help and take care of each other."

"Because whenever I think of telling you, you're either happy and I wouldn't want to ruin your mood, or you'd be having a hard time and I just don't want to burden you even more..."

Jisung faltered for a moment when he saw tears forming in (y/n)'s eyes, then sighed and took a step towards her, "I'm sorry-"

As much as she wanted to hug him and forget about what has just happened, (y/n) hated the fact that was on the edge of crying, and that she said things she never wanted to say, so she just took her phone and left.

Jisung plopped down on the couch and exhaled deeply, "Why did I have to do that?"

Minho walked in, "(Y/n) just left and I think she was crying? What happened? Tell hyung about it." He smiled, sitting down next to Jisung.

"How the hell was I so blind? I never actually asked her about college or work, I just kept blabbering to her about my own problems like a kid..."

'Basically, both of you are still kids...' Minho thought, but just kept his words for himself and wrapped an arm around Jisung's shoulder, telling him to go on. He still doesn't understand anything, but it was obvious that Jisung and (y/n) just had a fight.

-A week later-

(Y/n) felt depressed for the whole week. People probably felt bad energy whenever they passed by her apartment, she thought. She missed Jisung so much, and wanted to apologize and just get back to him, yet she was so ashamed of herself. She was scared that he was mad at her since she hadn't talked to him in a week, but it was actually the same thing for Jisung, but both of them were too dense to realize it.

"I swear to god, those two..." Minho sighed as he sat with Hyunjin after telling him about what happened between Jisung and (y/n). "Can't we just tell one of them about the other's feelings?"

"No that's not how it works!"

"Works in what?" Minho raised an eyebrow.

"In relationships." Hyunjin smirked proudly.

"You're too cocky because you watched a shit ton of romantic movies, yet you can't even say 'good morning' to Seungmin without stuttering."

"I-I don't stutter!" Hyunjin blushed, and Minho just facepalmed.

"I'll tell Jisung to apologize. It might get worse if they stay like that."

"You were here to ask for my opinion and now you're ignoring it?" Hyunjin frowned, but Minho just ignored him and went to Jisung.

After talking with Minho, Jisung went to (y/n)'s place and bought a box of chocolate as Hyunjin told him to. He took a deep breath to calm himself before knocking on the door.

It took a couple of minutes before the door opened and (y/n) literally just threw her arms around him.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

Both of them said at the same time, but Jisung broke the hug so that he could see her face. "No, I'm the one at fault. I should've been more considerate, I'm really sorry."

(Y/n) smiled and nodded, hugging him once more, "I missed you so much."

"Bleh enough with the cheesy lines already." Jisung cringed, shoving the chocolate box into her hands, "But I missed you too." he murmured, blushing.

"Haha was this Hyunjin's idea?" She laughed, taking the box from him.


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