Stray Kids (request) || Changbin

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This one for KuroRose0731  , hope you like it !

This is Gang!Au Changbin x Abused Reader.

After this I'll have only 2 requests to go! Yayy finally :') sorry guys for the long wait

Brace yourselves fellaz, cuz this is gonna be a long ass ride

'Why... isn't he here yet?' (Y/n) thought, a deep frown evident on her face as she gazed at the empty seat in front of her, which belonged to Seo Changbin.

"(Last name), can you solve this?"

'I wonder if something bad happened to him...' She bit her lower lip, remembering how sometimes Changbin would show up with bruises and injuries all over him.

"(Last name)?"

'Maybe I should buy some band-aids for him, just in case...'

"(Last name) (Y/n)!"

"Wha-" (Y/n) gasped, standing up in surprise, only to see her Teacher glaring at her. "I-I'm sorry--" She heard other students laughing and murmuring and blushed in embarrassment.

"You better be. Detention after school." The Teacher sighed and went back to the front of the class, calling another student to solve the equation.

(Y/n) sat down, clutching her fists tightly in her lap. 'Why were they laughing at me?' She thought with a frown, not liking the idea that the students made fun of her. But then she smiled when she realized something. 'Detention will keep me from going home..' She thought, in relief.


Changbin came to school during the third lesson, which made him get detention as well. As (y/n) had thought, he had a couple of bruises and a cut on his face.

She has never talked to him, so she figured it'd be hard to give him the band-aids, but she still wanted to at least help him in someway. So when it was break time, she went to buy some band-aids and an ice pack.

As she was on her way back, carrying the bag with the band-aids in her right hand and a smile on her face, she noticed Changbin up in her classroom's window, and he was looking at her. He averted his gaze elsewhere when their eyes met.

'Why was he looking at me? And did he just avoid my gaze?' She thought as she made her way to the classroom, her heartbeat getting faster with each step. 'I never knew he was even aware of my existence. He seemed distant from everyone at school...'

She stopped in front of the class and took a deep breath. 'It'll go just fine. Give him the band-aids and leave. It's alright.' She thought to herself as she put a hand to her heart, hoping it would just calm down.

She nodded to herself and clenched her fists by her sides before walking into the classroom. Changbin was the only one here. 'It's okay, don't get nervous.'

"S-Seo... Changbin." She called, standing a few steps behind him.

He didn't answer for a moment, making (y/n) clutch the sides of her skirt. 'It's okay, he probably didn't hear you. Don't get nervous. It's okay.'

"Seo Chang--"

"I heard you the first time." He sighed, turning around and resting his elbows on the window frame.

'Then why didn't you answer? Why would you sigh as if you're irritated even though I am the one who was ignored?' Her fingers trembled by her sides as she clutched her skirt tightly.

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