Coffee || Seungmin (pt 1)

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(WARNING: Seungmin kind of appears at the end only. so if you're looking for absolute romance, this might be boring for you. i don't want u to waste ur time lol)

"Mommy. Mama. Mooooom." (Y/n) whined as she trailed after her mother, who was looking for clothes for (y/n)'s brother.

"Just give me 5 minutes and we'll go get you coffee and something to eat, okay?" Her mother said, not sparing (y/n) a glance.

There were big discounts in stores right now, so (y/n)'s mother decided to go to the mall, and (y/n) was bored so she tagged along.

"But I'm thirsty. And bored. And I know 5 minutes of yours are like an hour or something." (y/n) frowned, crossing her arms.

"Please..." (y/n)'s mother sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before looking back at her daughter. "How about you go order whatever you want till I finish? I'll come to you when I'm done." She said with a small smile, and (y/n) nodded in response. (Y/n)'s mother then opened her bag and took out the credit card, handing it to (y/n), "Don't lose it, okay?"

"Come on, I'm a big girl now." (y/n) pouted, but then smiled as she took the card from her mother.

"Yeah, right. Remember last year when you took it and then came back home without it?"

"That was in the past! Anyway, I'll get only coffee. Do you want anything?"

Her mother shook her head and turned back to the clothes, and (y/n) left the store to go to her favorite cafe in the mall.

She entered the cafe with a smile on her face before stopping suddenly as her eyes landed on the cashier.

A group of boys were standing there, laughing and talking loudly among themselves.

(Y/n) didn't have a fear of men or anything, but she just felt nervous whenever she was too close to one. Especially the loud ones.

She felt a pair of eyes on her, and looked to see the cashier looking at her. It was the same guy who took her order everytime. He was so nice and cute, (y/n) kind of developed a crush on him over time.

She avoided his gaze awkwardly and began fiddling with her fingers as she stood a few paces behind the boys. 'Can't you guys just order quickly? What's taking you so long? If mom gets here and sees that I still didn't even order she'll kill me...' (Y/n) thought as she glared at the boys' backs, remembering how her mother has always disliked how shy she was.

When the boys started ordering (y/n) smiled in relief, but that was until a woman walked by her and stood in line behind the boys, in front of her.

(y/n) gaped, 'I've been standing here for hours, lady!' she cried mentally, 'But then again it's not her fault, but mine.' She bit her lower lip anxiously, moving to stand closer behind the woman in case someone decided to stand in front of her again.

The boys were still ordering, chuckling every now and then, changing their minds about their choice every two seconds, when (y/n)'s mother walked in with bags in her hands. (y/n) smiled and took the bags from her mother, 'My hero has come.' She thought, "Mom, can you.. uh, order for me?"

Her mother raised an eyebrow for a moment before looking in front of (y/n) and sighing, "Who came first, you or them?"

"T-The boys were here first, I swear!"

"And the woman?"

"She was here first as well..." (y/n) said, and her mother nodded, taking the lie.

They stood for a while, then the boys finally went to their seats, and the woman stepped forward.

"I'm sorry miss, but the girl behind you was actually here first." The cashier said with a polite smile.

The woman looked behind her, "Oh, you! I'm sorry, I thought you were waiting for the boys or something, since you were standing far from line. You can go ahead." She stepped away, and (y/n)'s mother nodded at her with a smile before going to the cashier, (y/n) by her side.

As her mother was entering the pin for the credit card, (y/n) caught the cashier's eyes and he winked at her. She felt her face heat up as she quickly avoided his gaze and looked to the ground.

"Let's go." Her mother said, going to a table with the receipt in her hand. (Y/n) sat down in front of her mother, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Sorry for lying." She told her mother, smiling apologetically.

"I'm disappointed, but not surprised." Her mother sighed, but there was a small smile on her lips. "That guy was really nice though."

"Yeah, I think so too." (y/n) grinned.

"Maybe I should get his number or something."

(Y/n) gasped, "Mom!"

"Just kidding, idiot." Her mother chuckled, and (y/n) started laughing uneasily.

Soon the waiter brought their drinks, and (y/n) started drinking her coffee as she stared at her mother. "Didn't you say you don't want anything?"

"I did, but I can always enjoy a good cup of tea." Her mother said as she took a sip from her tea before chuckling, "Look at your cup before drinking."

(Y/n) frowned and looked down at her plastic cup, her eyes widening in surprise as they land on what's written there.

"You face is so red." Her mother laughed.

May I buy you coffee sometime?

(Y/n) shyly looked at him from the corner of her eyes, but he was talking to a co-worker. He was smiling, and that was enough to send (y/n)'s heart thrumming loudly in her chest.

"Looks like you've got a date."

"Oh my god mom stop." (y/n) covered her face with her hands, and her mother laughed.

Ramadan Mubarak!! 🌙❤

u're free to propose an idea as a request for part 2 lmao-

After reading this again I'm scared that you guys will find it boring :')  but I enjoyed writing it so i guess I'll publish it

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