SPOOOOKY GAME!(spoilers!)

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(Y/n)'s POV

Another game night. Unikitty gets WAY too competitive. We got this game called, "SPOOOKY GAME" it was suspicious...

"LETS CRACK THSI BABY OPEN! AARRGGGHH!!" She shakes it violently as the lid pops off. It shows tiny ghost flying out and a board game in the middle a corn maze a tent and a building with a tiny wooden structure in the back. "I don't like this..." I whisper to hawkodile.

She flips the switch with glee. It speaks with a creepy hollow voice, the face moving with the. "Time the score turn back if your scared may the best player win SPOOOOKY GAME if you dare..." ok now I was just terrified. I clutch Hawkodiles arm, unikitty and Puppycorn awing at it. "This is going to be the best game night ever!!" "I'm going to win SO HARD at spoooky game sis!" "Bring it on little bro!" "Oh boy here we go again..." Hawkodile facepalms while holding mine with his other.

"I'm going to get some snacks let me know when their done" "ok everyone ready to play?! LETSPLAYLETSPLAY LETS PLAAAYYYY!!" "I don't know.. if it's going to be another Unikitty and puppy corn shutdown.. "I promise we won't get too competitive! It'll be a nice little game just for fun right bro?" He nodded. "I guess just one game couldn't hurt..." "WOOHOO LETS PLAY!!" Before we can even react she flicks the switch again and we all teleport into the game?!

We all are screaming, me clutching Hawkodile tightly. "Whoa were are we??" Unikitty breathes. "You have entered SPOOOKY GAME!! Win or lose you'll never be the same ! the ultimate test of skills and chills and the only way out is too win!" I'm shaking worse than an earthquake. I could tell everyone else was too. "WERE INSIDE, THE GAME?!" OK DOES UNIKITTY KNOW WHAT SHES GETTING INTO?! "Wow you two are super into this, even after the creepy warning.. ok then.." he clears his throat. "Go through the pat-" WEVE PLAYED A BOARD GAME BEFORE WE GOT THIS OK?" I yell.

He looks annoyed but leaves, warning us, "don't fall behind or you'll lose in more ways than one!" "Got a really bad feeling about this" "agreed there's clearly something very wrong with this game!" We bear a pecking sound, hollow. It was a crow on a skull, picking its remains. "I'm going to be sick..." "WOO IM GOING TO WIN THIS BABY!" "Nuh uh!" I blink blankly.

"YOU TWO STILL WANT TO PLAY?!" "He said all we have to do is win, LETS WIN!" "YEA! Game night game night!" We three sigh, following them from behind. We make it to a corn maze, the guy popping out of nowhere. "If you wish to continue, there's no doors or rooms to make an advantage in the corn maze of doom!! But i wouldn't come last if I were you..." he disappears into the maze.

"I LOVE CORN" puppy corn yells excited. "Good luck little bro. "I suspect that spooky guy is up to something, but what??" "I'm not going to wait around and find out, you go left and I'll go right." "No! I have a bad feeling about this, lets stay together so we don't lose! If it's more than one he can't make us lose!" Hawkodile nods agreeing. We all walk towards unikitty. "Don't play..." "don't play...." I hear a whisper say. "Did you hear that?" I follow the sound, finding a corn with a face. I scream and run, grabbing Hawkodile and Dr Fox's hands.

We make it far enough that we start walking, breathing heavily. "Why did you do that?" "I SAW A FACE ON CORN!!" "Bull crap" suddenly we feel Unikitty and Puppycorn dash past us, spinning us wildly. "WAIT UP!" We make it to the end of the maze. "If we had deprecated we would've been corn .. good job (Y/n)..." I feel Dr Fox and Hawkodile hug me. "Congrats to you first to escape the maze! PUPPYCORN!" He cheers. We all head toward the tent. "WELCOME TO THE CARNIVAL-" "yea yea yea hurry up and tell us what to do!" I heard the guy curse under his breath.

"Get the most tickets to win before times up..." he opens the curtain and shows an arcade of some sort. Me Hawkodile and Wait where's Dr Fox?! I turn around to see she had disappeared. "Hawk idols we need to go NOW!" I grab his hand and rush him in. "I'm going to look for anything suspicious." "WHAT?! IF YOU LOSE THEN YOULL BE TRAPPED HERE!!" I yell. He shoves my hand away. "It'll be fine pumpkin, I'll be back." "Then I'm doing it with you!" "Fine but stay close!"

We look around for a little while. "What are you hiding you creeper?" He asked himself. His face turns stiff. I hear a groan. "Uhh hawko?? You might wanna see this..." I leaded him to the little room, full of cages. Full of monster and disgusting disfigured Lego people... I nearly scream. "We gotta warn the others!" I yell, grabbing his hand. the creepy guy appeared back in front of us. "Game over!" He tried punching the guy but it went right through him. "Huh?!" The alarm goes off. I feel tears fill my eyes.

"Times up how many tickets do you have? ZERO? Ouch your in last place." He snapped his fingers. I spotted the cage just in time to shove Hawkodile far enough to escape, but me be trapped. "(Y/n)!!!" "You didn't even try now your on the low, but we have a special place for you to go, in the FREAK SHOW!!" I stare at hawkodile, terrified for my life while grabbing the bars. He started to cry.

"Take me instead! She wanted to play the games but I didn't! Let her go and you can have me!" He looked begging into his eyes. He looked convinced. "Alright as you wish, along as she's alright with trapping her prince!"

I look at him with a stern face. "No. I decline" I hiss coldly. "Alright then, Better get going Big boy," "NO!" Hawkodile shouted, not willing to let me go. The guy started to get annoyed. "Fine BOTH of you lose then!" He lifts the cage from me and replaces it with a bigger one to fit me and Hawk.

"Now you will be freaks all but fine but hey you have each other to pass the time!" I feel my stomach churn and twist, I clutch it falling to the floor, hawkodile started to scream in pain.

After the mutation, me and Hawkodile were freaks. His gloves were torn though with his razor nails, his teeth razor, his tail had grew out and now had spikes. "Don't look at me..." I heard Hawkodile whisper. I grab his hand. Look at me then, just because you look different doesn't mean I don't know who you are on the inside." He looks at me, taking off his glasses, revealing his deep red eyes.

"How could you like something like this?" "Because..." I reveal my demon form to him. "I'm no better than you..."

He just stares for a second. "Your beautiful the way you are, that will never change pumpkin..." he kissed my forehead as we snuggle for a while. We may be trapped, but at least we have each other for now.

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