Bob and Vidora move to StarVille

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Miss Posh-Bum then reported to the SmileTown police and they screamed, "AAH! NO GHOSTS OF BOB ALLOWED! YOU HAVE TO MOVE! NOW!" Lucia and Jody started crying. Quite loudly. Ok, Lucia broke the Guinness World Record for the loudest cry. "What can we do to stop you from making us move?!" cried Jody. "NOTHING!" shrieked the officer. "Actually give me a furby. Heeheehee!" "A furby?" asked Lucia. "Aha!" said the officer cheerfully. "I don't have one though!" replied Lucia sadly. "But you have to!" said the policeman, making puppy dog eyes. "Is there anything else you want?" asked Jody. "NO!" screamed the policeman. "Actually, maybe a crunchie?" And then Lucia and Jody bought a packet of crunchies and gave it to the policeman. He left, but another one came, who's name was Seargant Smacks, and when Lucia asked if he wanted a crunchie, he punched her in the face. The Ghost of Bob and The Ghost of Vidora, (Vidora died too, by the way) were dancing around in a circle, singing,

G.O.B (ghost of bob): I am the ghost of Bob! Minna Minna Mooma!

G.O.V (ghost of vidora): I am the ghost of Vidora! Minna Minna, Minna Minna Mooma!

Jody: Just, listen to the beat of the music, the music, the music, just listen to the......

Then Seargant Smacks bit Jody's arm, but Jody just laughed and burped 3 times.

Miss Posh-bum went hysterical because Jody didn't say excuse me, and she died.

Then, the bob family resurrected and moved to StarVille, since Bob's parents had a house there. Granny Ki-Kah and Grandpa Moo, were very rich. They had 1 whole dollar in their bank account! *Everyone's just like, WOW! THEY'RE SO RICH!* Grandpa Moo was a cow and Granny Ki-Kah a human. So what will Bob and the family do in StarVille?

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