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I felt hundreds of pairs of eyes scan over our group but when they strayed to me, they stayed there for a while. I began to fidget with my hands and eventually their stares drove me over the edge. "DONT YOU KNOW ITS RUDE TO STARE!?" I shouted at all of them as loud as I could. Some of the people near us covered their ears and were muttering profanities. I huffed in annoyance and crossed my fingers hopping that the clown didn't hear me. I could feel the blood-lust leaking from some of the applicants and it was making me feel uneasy. Why did I agree to do this? There is no way I can survive these exams, what will happen if I die here? Will my family miss me? Do they even know that im gone? Someone waved their hand in my face and I snapped back to reality and saw the worried looks on my companions faces. I saw that they were each holding a can of juice and I sighed in annoyance. Tonpa. "Hey, you okay? You look a little pale. Here, have some juice, it will make you feel better." He held a can out to me and I took it with a smile and looked at its contents on the back. I had a plan for this situation and hopefully my acting skills will be enough to convince them. After scanning the ingredients I hand the can back to Tonpa with a sad smile. "Sorry, I cant drink it. I'm allergic to nutmeg." (I don't know if that is something you would even put in juice, but whatever.)

"Oh, that's alright." I could see a flash of annoyance behind his eyes and I knew that he was going to try something else. I watched in amusement as Gon spat the juice out saying that it was expired, I held back a laugh after seeing Tonpa's reaction to Gon's sense of taste. I zoned out on their conversation but tuned back in once I heard a man scream in pain and fear. I looked to my left and saw that there was a man fused to the wall, half of his body was hanging out of it. The clown was smiling at his handy work and his voice sent chills down my spine. "Next time, apologize when you bump into someone." He licked his lips and walked away from the man. I walked over to him and he was begging for someone to help him out of the wall. At first I was reluctant about changing the plot of the story, but my sense of duty lead me to try to get the man free. It took a few minutes, but I eventually got him free, he repeatedly thanked me and was down on his knees. I waved my hand and kept on saying that there was no need for him to thank me for being nice, I consoled him and bandaged him up as best I could with what I had in my pack. I felt everyone's eyes on me once again and grew an anime vein. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT STARRING!?"


Hisoka: Strange girl, I like her. I think that I found myself a new plaything.

Killua (FLUFFY): Hmm. Better keep an eye on her, she seems promising.

Satotz: She looks just like Ging, I heard he had a kid, I thought he had a son not a daughter. I looked her up earlier, but there was nothing there on her. Its like she popped up out of nowhere. I'll have to inform the chairman about her. She was also smart enough to hide her tag, Just who is this girl?

Hanzo: Wow, never thought that I would meet someone like that in a place like this. She has a warrior's spirit and a mothers heart. I hope I wont have to fight her.

Everyone else: She's scary!

Satotz came out of his hiding spot and let the ring to get everyone's attention and explained the rules of the exam an kept a close eye on Kira as well as her group, in fact, everyone kept a close eye on the small raven haired girl.


We began running and I was able to keep up easily, I stayed toward the front, close to Satotz and tried to strike up a conversation with him. "So, can you tell me a few stories about some jobs you went on?" He looked down at me and narrowed his eyes at me. "Please?~" I flashed him my puppy dog eyes and he gave in to my request. He told me stories about how he once had to fight a giant toad as one of his first jobs, He said that his partner got swallowed by it and that he tasted so bad that the frog threw him up immediately afterwards. He smelt like frog guts for weeks. I laughed at this and if he had a mouth, Satotz would have been smiling. A few hours had passed and Killua and Gon had become friends, somewhat. Gon introduced me to him and he was surprised to find out that I was 12 years old as well. We talked and told jokes to each other to help pass the time. Kurapika had told us that laughing would only make us more tired, but we weren't even breathing heavily. My body had changed when I came to this world, so I could survive its harsh environments, I was grateful and if I hadn't changed I would be on the ground and would refuse to move for the next year. my group disappeared for a while but I smiled when I smelt the gun powder and when I saw the wall next to us get blown to smithereens.

We ran for about another hour and I could see that several people had begun to slow down and I saw that Kurapika and Leorio were becoming tired, I knew that they would make it, but I wanted to make it easier for them. So, I ran to the front with Gon and Killua following me and I started to sing. (The song is called sleep song, just so you know)

Lay down your head, and I'll sing you a lullaby

Back to the years of lo-le-lie-lay

And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow

Bless you with love for the road that you go

may you sail fair to the far fields of fortune

with diamonds and pearls your head and your feet

and may you need never to banish misfortune

may you find kindness in all that you meet

I let my voice ring out and try to calm those around me and I hoped that it would take their minds off of the running for a while and help with the strain of the phase.

may there always be angels to watch over you

to guide you each step of the way

to guard you and keep you safe from all harm

lo-li, lo-li-lie-lay

Gon and Killua were silent as I sang, they closed their eyes and let my voice flow through their minds and relax them, Kurapika and Leorio were wide eyed and starring at the back of my head, but relaxed a little. They both needed it after breathing in that tree sap. The two of them just had to re-live the worst parts of their lives because of it. I would kill Tonpa for that, but it needed to happen. Everyone else had there mouths hanging open, but were grateful for the distraction that I brought them. Satotz stared at me with amusement and awe for the fact that I would risk my energy to help the others. Hisoka stared hungrily at me and licked his lips as he watched me sing.

may you bring love and may you bring happiness

be loved in return to the end of your days

now fall off to sleep, im not meaning to keep you

ill just sit for a while and sing lo-li-lie-lay

may there always be angels to watch over you

to guide you each step of the way

to guard you and keep you safe from all harm



My voice trailed out and everyone was silent for the remainder of the run. We eventually reached the stairs and Gon and Killua made a deal with me, Who ever loses the race has to buy the winner dinner. We set off and I was purposefully lagging behind them. We reached the exit and the two of them jumped through the opening. Killua and Gon were arguing about who was first, when Satotz confirmed it was a tie, I almost laughed. I stayed by the exit and watched as everyone made it through. There was one guy who collapsed just before the door closed and I rushed to pull him through before it shut. He thanked me and I gave him a can of tea so he could regain his energy. Satotz walked over to me and asked me why I did what I did. "Because, I cant stand to see someone who worked so hard for something fail before they even had a chance." I walked over to Gon and Killua and put my arms around both of their shoulders. "Guys, chill. I'll make both of you dinner if you stop fighting." They looked at each other before looking at me and nodding their heads in agreement.

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