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Mt. Split in half looked to be several hundred feet deep, Menchi confirmed my suspicions when she spoke to me. "Don't worry, its a lot deeper than it looks." She laughed and pat my back reassuringly. "All right. everyone gather around!" I tuned her out on her explanation and stared down into the crevice. It was intimidating and several other people began to back away and refused to go anywhere near it. I felt my heart sink as Menchi told me that I had to participate and that my previous win didn't count. My friends saw my face and tried to convince Menchi to let me pass but she refused. Before anyone else could speak, Menchi jumped in and used the current to carry herself back up top. She gave me a warm smile and encouraged me to go. I held Gon and Killua's hands as we all jumped into the pit. I was worried about the net breaking faster now that I was there and my suspicions were correct. With my added weight, the net wouldn't hold long enough for the current.

"Not yet!" Gon shouted at us. The web was snapping and I realized that my back pack must weigh a ton and that I couldn't take it off without falling. I looked to my friends with a sad but determined face. I was terrified and let my friends see it. "Kira, what are you thinking?" Kurapika voiced. "I don't like that look on your face." I nodded my head and looked down. When I raised my head again I was smiling. "I don't know what made me think that I could survive this. I was so stupid. I'm sorry guys, I hope you can forgive me." A single tear ran down my cheek as I let go of the net. Several people screamed my name as I plummeted to my death.


Everyone starred at the girl in horror as the realization hit them full in the face. The small girl let go of the web and fell to the dark abyss. Gon reached for his rod and cast it down after her, but when he reeled it in, all he got was a few strands of her hair. The draft came soon after and carried everyone up with their eggs. Everyone gathered around the large pot with sullen faces. "What happened to you guys? You look like your dog just- wait a minute. Where's Kira?" Gon had tears forming in his eyes as Killua explained. Leorio was silent as well as Kurapika, even the white haired male was sad and angry at the fact that she gave up so easily. She had only known them for a few days and yet she willingly died for them. Menchi began to tear up as well as Satotz. Netero was awe struck that the young female would do such a thing to save her comrades.

Everyone boiled their eggs and began to load up in the air ship, but not before casting small glances at the abyss. A sudden wind picked up from deep within the mountain and before anyone could say anything a certain raven haired female rose up from its depths and was gently placed on the ground. She sat up and was panting heavily, her caramel orbs dancing around looking for something. When her eyes landed on her group Kira smiled brighter than ever before. She ran to them and glomped them. All five of them fell to the ground in a heap and were crying tears of joy (except fluffy).


I wasn't even sure what happened, except I felt something fly through my veins as I fell to the ground. I landed on it, but not hard. It was as if something had caught me and lowered me to the ground. I opened my eyes and saw everyone fly up to the surface but they couldn't see me. I wanted to speak but my voice wouldn't allow me to, I was in shock. A tear slid down my face at the thought of them leaving me behind but I quickly whipped it away and jumped to my feet. I looked around me and saw the bodies of other contestants. Dead. my eyes stopped when they landed on my skin. My veins were glowing a light blue, like electricity. I ran my fingers over the intricate pattern etched into my skin, then I heard a voice. Listen to me child. you wish to see your friends again, yes? I vigorously nodded my head, I might have gotten whiplash. Then I need you to close your eyes, and focus on the air around you. Think of the air lifting you up and carrying you to the top. I did as I was told and soon felt my feet leave the ground. Imagine yourself being weightless and propel yourself upward. Yes, good. Now, go to your friends, and achieve your goal.

I began to float (Pennywise: We all float down here~ Kira: Shut up pennywise, you damn clown. Hisoka: Did you want something?) up wards towards the surface of the mountain. (OMG I just thought of what would happen if pennywise and Hisoka were related. It would be hell on earth!) My vision was blurry but as soon as I saw my friends I jumped on them and refused to let go.

We all boarded the air ship and they all kept asking me what had happened. "Well, when I fell my bag got snagged on a branch sticking out of the wall and when the second draft came it pushed me up like Menchi said it would." Leorio and Gon were happy with my answer, but Kurapika was a little hesitant and Killua didn't believe a word I said. I couldn't care less, but I swore I would tell them the truth once I figured out what actually happened myself.

Netero announced that the next phase would take place at 8am the next morning, Kurapika and Leorio decided to rest a while, Gon and Killua went off exploring. I decided to spend my time sitting by one of the large windows and read a book.


As the group was off doing their own thing, all of the known examiners so far were all gathered in a separate room discussing the applicants and the planning the rest of the exam.

Menchi: "And what do you think?"

Buhara: "what? about the applicants for this year?"

Menchi: "Yeah it feels strange to be saying this since I failed them all the first time, but I think there are some real contenders in this group. I noticed a couple of them had pretty powerful auras. What do you think Satotz?"

Satotz: "Hmmm. I'd have to say the rookies are above average this year."

Menchi: "You think so to? There's one guy, number 294, he really stands out from the rest. And I don't mean because he's bald."

Buhara: "Yeah he was one of two who knew how to make sushi."

Satotz: "I'm keeping an eye on number 99, there's something unique about him. And he definitely has the skills, my guess is, he had special training."

Menchi: "He seems like a conceded brat to me, I bet he's a blood type B. Cant get along with him. What about you Buhara?"

Buhara: "Let me see.... There's one guy that caught my attention right from the start but he's not a rookie, number 44. Maybe you noticed him too Menchi. As soon as I saw him I had a feeling like he was just waiting for a chance to kill someone. I don't know how much longer he'll be able to hold himself back."

Menchi: "Yeah, I actual noticed that to, that's part of the reason why I was so edgy while judging the cooking exam. Speaking of which, You all saw that girl.... what was her name again?"

Satotz: "I believe you mean Kira. Yes, she was an interesting one as well. As soon as she got her pin number she hid it and all through the first exam she ran beside me like it was nothing and she kept up an interesting conversation with me. She asked me about my many missions as a hunter and asked for some advise."

Menchi: "Wow, smart kid."

Satotz: "yes and very caring as well. One of the applicants got hurt and she cared for them plus there was a man at the end of the phase who almost got crushed by the door, she pulled him through before he could get hurt. While we were running some of the contestants began to slow down and were running low on energy, she sang for them."

Buhara: "Singing?"

Satotz: "Mmhmm. I believe she was trying to get every ones minds off of the phase and tried to get them to relax. She was worried about them, plus I heard some good things from the navigators, granny, and the captain that brought her here."

Menchi: "Yeah, I heard about that too, I wonder where she came from?"

Satotz: " I looked through every hunter website and archive available and I found nothing. Its like she doesn't even exist in this world. Plus there is the uncanny resemblance between her, Gon and Ging. It makes me wonder..."

While the examiners were having their little discussion, the little soon-to-be-hunter was sitting on the window sill reading away. "Ah-choo!" Someone must be talking about me.

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