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Leorio had walked off to do some more searching of his own, maybe he could find more clues. I of course, knew what was going to happen. I had been dropping hints like crazy, but none of them were smart enough to understand what I was talking about. I followed Hanzo into the control room, Kurapika was staring out the window at the main deck, watching everyone running around like chickens without their heads.

"how did it go?"  He asked us. Hanzo shrugged his shoulders in response and I stared at my feet, I haven't told anyone what happened on the deck, and I don't think I want to. If I did, then they would ask questions about my father and where I really came from. Gon would find out that I lied about knowing his dad, and I don't want him to hate me for it. "Oh well, that's not a surprise. Everyone who has managed to make it this far has been through a lot already. We all had to rely on our own strength and skills, otherwise we wouldn't have survived the first three phases. I can understand why they are hesitant to listen to what we have to say. To make them cooperate for the good of the group is certainly out of the question." He said glumly.

"that's not entirely true. kira has helped all of us in one way or another, so we didn't all make it here by ourselves. We just have to make the others realize this. If it wasn't for her, most of us would either be dead or knocked out of the running by now." Hanzo ruffled my hair with a smile, making me squeal and swat away his hands, playfully.

"I know that, but they don't. I'm just worried that they're making a critical error in judgment. It could end up costing them their lives." Kurapika said.

"Well, you know, I couldn't agree with you more. Even though I cant quite explain it, my ninja instincts tell me we're right. But that wont convince them. they're not going to change their minds just because of a hunch." Hanzo said.

"you're right about that." Kurapika agreed. "we've already done all that we can to persuade them, to continue trying would only waist valuable time. I'm afraid that we've got to take action with or without them."

"Kurapika, there's something else that's been bothering me, you can call it another one of my instincts. I have an ominous feeling about this place and its getting stronger. Kira can feel it too. We don't have much time. She has a few theories on what it might be, but we cant be sure."

"Well, whatever it is, im sure that's what this phase is all about."

"I don't think there is a person on this island that couldn't agree with you Kurapika, problem is, no one is sure what to do about it." Leorio walked into the room with his hands in his pockets. "But I've got an idea."

"What?' Hanzo asked.

"Its obvious, we're gonna need to choose a leader." Leorio looked out the door and we saw a large group of people looking at us. Like I thought, everyone voted on Hanzo being the leader and Kurapika to be his second in command, but what I didn't think would happen was me ending up as the den mother, making me third in command. I agreed to the position as long as Leorio was the medic, I didn't want to have to take care of all of the injured people by myself. I stood with the other two with a blush on my face and stared down at my shoes. Hanzo stepped up to give a speech and I listened intently.

"I don't want to overstep my authority, but there is something that I have to tell you. As you know, I am a ninja, and as a ninja when I decide to team up with someone, there is nothing that can come between me and them. Where I come from this is known as Wah, and this is the kind of situation where our Wah is put to the test. This will only be for a short time so please bare with me." Hanzo bowed to the group and I saw Leorio looking as confused as ever.

A few hours later, the sun was beginning to set. Killua and gon came back to us with the ships log book and all of us leaned over Kurapika's shoulder trying to read it.

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