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I woke up the next morning to the announcement that we had arrived at our destination. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and quickly made my way to the loading deck, it was full of the 40-something contestants still in the exam. I spotted Gon and the others quickly and I made my way over to them. I felt someone's eyes on me and it made my skin crawl. I walked up behind Gon and I jumped on his back. He almost fell but was able to hold my weight. "Kira?! You weigh a ton!" I laughed and slid off of his back. "Its not me! Its my bag." I slid my bag off my shoulders and handed it to Gon. The sudden weight made him drop to the ground. The others tried to pick it up but they all tried to pick it up but they failed. "Attention, everybody off!"

We unloaded onto the top of trick tower and lipo explained that we had to get to the bottom as fast as possible. before the blimp took off I stood next to Killua as promised as he explained his side of the story to Anita, he told her about her fathers business. I was planning on jumping on Tonpa when he fell into the ground so that I could be with everyone and not change too much, but my thoughts were interrupted by an evil laugh. A shadow loomed over me and grabbed me by the hair. I squirmed and saw that no one could see us. There was an invisible wall of some sort. He chuckled at me and held me over the edge of the tower. He said something to me, then he let go. I screamed on my way down but it fell on deaf ears. The mutant bird things came flying at me and I used the wind techniques from the last phase to keep them away from me. When the ground was coming up close, I pushed the air below me and it allowed me to hover over the ground. I landed on my feet and fell to my knees. I almost died, again! I quickly located the doors and pried them open enough to allow me to slip through.

Lipo was sitting in his office enjoying his sweets when he saw me slip into the tower, he spat out his bubbly beverage and shouted into the speaker. "How the hell did you get down here?!"

"Ask the jack ass who pushed me off the tower?!" I shouted back at him, I was pissed and exhausted. I sat down and waved my hand in the air. "Well, might as well say my time."

He was hesitant but did it anyway. "K-kira time 12 minutes and 37 seconds is the first to pass the third exam." I smiled and rummaged through my bag, I pulled out my guitar and thought for a minute. "What are you doing?"

"When I am stressed or whatever I play an instrument or sing to get my mind off of things. Besides, I have about 12 hours till someone else gets here."

"What makes you so sure about that?"

"Simple, I know everything."

I began to strum my guitar and began to play Tales of Tongues from my favorite video game back in my world.

Alduin's wings, they did darken the sky

is roar fury's fired his scales sharpened scythes

Men ran and they cowered, and they fought and they died

They burned and they bled, as they issued their cries

Dovahkiin dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin

Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal

Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan

Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal

Lipo was speechless, he was surprised that I could speak a different language, but he didn't know which one. Even his henchmen were unable to say anything as my voice echoed through the tower. Hisoka could hear me sing and so could all of the other applicants still stuck at the top. Killua figured out that I was at the bottom, but kept it to himself.

We need saviors to free us from Alduin's rage

Heroes on the field of this new war to wage

And if alduin wins, man is gone from this world

Lost in the shadow of the black wings unfurled

But then came the tongues on that terrible day

Steadfast as winter, they entered the fray

And all heard the music of Alduin's doom

The sweet song of skyrim, sky-shattering Thu'um

And so the tongues freed us from Alduin's rage

Gave the gift of the voice, ushered in a new age

If alduin is eternal, then eternity's done

For his story is over, and the dragons... are gone




And so the tongues freed us from Alduin's rage

Gave the gist of the voice, ushered in a new age

If alduin is eternal, then eternity's done

For his story is over, and the dragons... are gone

Lipo was impressed with my voice and for a while everything was silent. I put my guitar away and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Time skip~

Hisoka stepped through the door as it slid opened and he was beyond shocked when he heard the announcement. "number 44, Hisoka is second to pass the third exam with a time of... 12 hours and 17 seconds?!" Lipo was surprised that I had correctly guessed the time someone else would arrive and Hisoka glanced around the room. His eyes landed on my sleeping figure leaning against the wall. He walked over to me and draped a blanket he got from my bag over me. "don't want any unripe fruit getting sick, now do we~" He licked his lips and silently waited for me to wake up.

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