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"wait! if we all head out on our own and anything goes wrong, then we're done for!" Hanzo shouted after the two men and everyone that followed after them. Kurapika marched up to Geretta to scold him, but that would be difficult, considering he was over a foot taller than the fuming blonde.

"why would you go and do that? you might have put a lot of people in danger."

"Getting rid of the competition is part of the exam. I am going to survive at all costs, I don't really care what happens to anyone else." he turned and started to walk away, but I ran in front of him with my arms spread out to block him.

"you're wrong! that kind of thinking will get you killed! What if something were to happen to you and you cant save yourself? if there's no one around to help you then you're a dead man! No one can make it on their own, no one is invincible, especially not you."

'What are you saying? you're just a little girl who got lucky. in my opinion you shouldn't be here right now. now move it." I moved to the side so he could pass, but I grabbed his sleeve and spoke in a low voice.

"this little girl is going to save your life before the end of the day, I can promise you that and I NEVER break a promise." I let him go and stomped off back to my group. Leorio looked down at me curiously as Geretta walked away.

"so, what are we going to do now guys?" gon asked.

"Kurapika, I totally understand you and kira. But he does have a good point." Leorio said.

"So, you wanna die alone and afraid too?" I asked. He shook his head quickly.

"no its not that! just that this is an exam, and only the best get to pass and-"

"Leorio, you don't understand. A hunter has to be able to adapt and get along with others even if he hates them. Not every mission you go on will be solo no matter what field your in. teamwork is a necessary element when on a job, it can cost you the lives of the people around you and even your own." I explained.

"You know, for a kid you're actually pretty smart!" Leorio pat my head affectionately, he is the brother that I never had. I smiled and giggled at him while fixing my hair.

"well, guess im off to zevil island. I'll see you there." number 118 walked off with his monkey on his shoulder and I sighed.

" I agree with you two, but im starting doubt if its a good idea to wait around for until after dark. in the mean time, we should split up again and scour the ship for any clues." Hanzo said.

"it beats waiting around. hey gon, lets go back to that place we found." Killua said. The two of them raced off leaving the rest of us behind.

"what are you gonna do?" Leorio asked Hanzo.

"Im gonna try to talk some sense into those numbskulls. The more people we can get working together the better our chances are. Lets all meet back on the bridge if we find anything useful, okay?"

Leorio, Kurapika and Hanzo split up to cover more ground leaving me to my thoughts. I could probably cook dinner, but I should wait until after we set sail, I don't want to clean up too big of a mess. I lean over the railing and began to think about all that's happened. I made new friends, survived the first half of the hunters exam and got to meet many of my favorite characters. I wonder what I'll do next?

I heard footsteps come from behind me and I turned to see the man in the cloak, he was probably hiding after the incident at trick tower. I glared at him and slipped one of my daggers out of the sleeve of my forest green hoodie, and held it up to show that I wasn't messing around.

"What do you want? gonna try to kill me again?" He growled at me.

"Brat, you're lucky father doesn't want me to kill you."


"you should know him, he is the one who gave you that power. Sadly, the test failed. The effects on lasted a few hours after activated, but maybe if I bring you back to him he wont be mad at me anymore." He smiled crookedly at me.

"I don't know who you're talking about." I took an unsteady steep back but my hip hit the railing of the ship.

"Oh, you know, just the man that raised you."

"no..... NO YOU'RE LYING! HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE AT HOME!" the man shook his head at me and clicked his tounge.

"Don't yell at your big brother like that, you might make him angry." She flashed me his sharpened k9s that looked like they could rip me to shreds. 'now be a good girl and not tell anyone about me. or, I will kill you."

he laughed darkly and vanished in a puff of smoke, I slid to my knees and dropped the dagger with a clang on the deck floors. Leorio walked on deck and saw me on the ground, he ran over to me and helped me stand on shaky legs.

"Hey, you okay?" I nod my head and looked away, he understood that I didn't want to talk about it and gave me a look that said 'we will have a talk later.' the two of us walked to the bridge together and saw Hanzo there waiting for us.

"How'd it go?" Leorio asked him.

"No good. They don't want to hear anything that I have to say. what about you two?"

"I didn't find anything." he said. I grinned a little when Leorio didn't tell him about what happened on the deck.

"Too bad."

"I have a really bad feeling, I only get it this bad when someone ends up dead. Something's coming, and its big." I said, but they didn't acknowledge me.

''I don't understand this, they left us with no instructions, all we have is an incomplete map, a grounded battle ship, countless ship wrecks and all that treasure we found. its like they left us to make all the decisions on our own. So I wonder, what exactly are they testing us on?" I nodded my head.

"I kinda figured they would do something like this, I mean when on a mission we need to make the choice on what to do and come up with all of the plans. its not like they will be there to tell us what to do all the time." I said, but I was ignored.

"With all of these shipwrecks, what happened here? The more I think about it the more worried I get. Something's wrong here." Hanzo said.

"But what?" Leorio asked. I cleared my throat. the two of them looked at me for the first time during the conversation.

"if you would stop ignoring me that would be greatly appreciated." they scratched the backs of their necks and apologized. "oh stop groveling. We have bigger problems. think about it, what usually causes ships to wreck? Storms! Since there's so many ships from different time periods, I think that they happen often here. Not only that, but this battle ship we are standing on. it had to have gotten here somehow, so the storms that happen here must be HUGE." I explained. the two of them thought for a minute before nodding their heads.

"it makes sense, but we cant be sure. We should find Kurapika." Hanzo said. the three of us walked off the bridge in search of a particular blonde when a shiver ran down my spine. someone was watching me, and not just one. I feel three pairs of eyes on me, one belonging to the man in the cloak, and the other two to gutariku and Hisoka.

Im screwed.



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