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Today was the day. Ethan and I just finished editing this week's video and posted some pictures from yesterday evening on social media. We didn't Snapchatted a lot yesterday, just only a video of me entering the bus through the roof-window and Ethan who completed this video with his terrifying hisses, hunting on me. I posted a photo of me on top of the bus. Their were as always, hundreds of comments AND likes. I even reached 400k secret saves. I looked at my black screen. I wiped off some little dirt. "You ready?", Ethan asked me as he walked into the kitchen. "You still haven't finished your cereal yet?", he gave me a confused look. "What?", I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm nervous, okay", I confessed. He nodded his head and put on a vest. I pushed my bowl of cereal aside and put on my shoes. "Eth, can I please put a password on my phone today?", I asked Ethan when I passed him. He looked at me. "Nope", he refused. "But what if someone steals it?", I asked him hopeless. "That could've happened before this bet and it didn't happen, don't worry, no one will touch your phone", he comforted me. I sighed and walked back to the living room. Cameron was watching some weird unfamiliar show so I let her do her things. I walked upstairs to my parents room. I knocked softly on the door. "Yeah?", I heard from the other side. I opened the door slowly. "Hey, Gray" my mom smiled at me while she folded the clean laundry. "Eth and I are about to leave, we're going to the store after, so is there anything we can get for you?", I asked her. I held up my hand to protect my eyes from the bright light of the sun. "Mmmhh, let me think", she faked a doubt. I laughed at her. "I was actually planning on homemade lasagne, if you guys want to", she started. My eyes widen and my mouth filled itself with water. I nodded my head enthusiastically. "If there's anything else I can get you, just text me, okay?", I said when I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I waved her goodbye and walked back downstairs where Ethan and Cameron were having a little argument. I pushed the two of them aside from each other and grabbed Ethan's arm along with the home and car keys. "Bye, Cam! See you later!", I waved her goodbye and walked out of the front door still pulling Ethan with me. I let go his arm and led him to his car. I threw the car keys at him. He opened the car and we got in. "Let's go live some old memories again", he joked when he pressed the start/stop button.

The parking lot haven't changed a lot. Only bigger cuz there were probably more students with cars than before. I sighed as Ethan entered the school terrain. "You ready?", he asked me when he'd parked the car in a quiet corner of the parking lot. I let out another sigh and nodded my head as I loosened my seatbelts. I opened the door and got out. It was really busy and.. hot. I panicked a little and looked over to see Ethan's expression. He just laughed and walked up to the second entrance to avoid any recognition. As we entered the old building, a wild river of old memories passed us by. I looked at the wall full of pictures. Well my dream became reality, I looked at the picture of my old football and lacrosse team. A couple of pictures away from it, hung our old wrestling team. I smiled a little and turned back to find Ethan staring at the trophies. He grinned and looked back to me. A weird feeling crawled up in my stomach as I looked at the graduation caps. I sighed softly and pointed at the reception board. "Let's go, saying that we've arrived", I suggested. He nodded and walked up to the reception. There were so many students I got pushed into and not even a single one of them recognized me or us. We finally reached the old wooden door. Ethan opened the door and held it open for me to enter. "Thank you, sir", I joked and bowed to the joke. Ethan laughed out loud. "Hey, ssshh!", I hissed at him, "We're still in a public room", I whispered and grinned. The reception hasn't changed a lot since Ethan and I went here. Old pictures hung on the wall and the trophy closet had still it's place. I walked up to it to see if Long Valley still was as good as they were before. I raised an eyebrow as I read the new trophies. Their wrestling teams became more popular along with their lacrosse teams. I think Eth and I did a great job. I laughed soft and walked back to the chairs Ethan was sitting. He was focused on his phone. I sighed and decided to have a look on my phone too. I turned it on and spreads of notifications took place of my lock screen. "Have you seen their new trophies?", I asked Ethan when I put back my phone. He looked up to me and gave me a questionable look. I pointed at the trophy closet. "Nope, let me look real quick then", he said and walked over to the wooden closet. I decided to report us as present. We didn't plan to do anything special, just have a look after all of those years. I know high school was really hard and sometimes I'm still stuck with those feelings I felt here, but I needed to look, just to see the difference or not. I walked over to an old lady doing administration on the computer, behind the counter. A smile appeared on her old wrinkled face when she noticed me. "Hello young man, how can I help you? Do you need someone? In the weirdest case; did you forgot something in a classroom?", she asked me. I tried to grab myself together. My anxiety was taking over my body and I really tried to fight against it. "Uhm, Yeah, uhm", I stuttered, I looked over at Ethan, "Eth, come here!", I yelled at him. He looked up from an old magazine. "What's up?", he asked me when he'd reached the counter. "We.. uhh... We..", I started my second attempt. "We're actually old students, we went here, but left because we moved to uhh, LA", Ethan took over me. I just watched at him doing his thing. I wasn't jealous of him, I sometimes just wanted to get rid of my anxiety and be like Ethan. But I guess that's impossible.

"You guys are aloud to go upstairs, BUT don't make a mess up there or you'll have to leave", one of the school guides said. He gave us some last directions and stuff like that before we went upstairs. First floor. Ethan had report us as present successfully, they even recognized us, not because we're 'famous', they just recognized us as students. They told us what kind of lessons were given at the moment on first floor and that, if we want to, were aloud to join one of the classes. We walked up the stairway and right in front of us was a classroom we could sneak in. Ethan reached the first floor and walked immediately to the boys bathroom next to the girls bathroom. I watched through a window inside of a classroom-door, I could see everybody listening to whatever their teacher was saying. A girl in the corner looked up to me and we made eye contact for a second. I felt my cheeks heating up so I walked further to the bathroom.

Wrong Phone - G.D.Where stories live. Discover now