Mix up

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*** Niall's P.O.V. ***

Maya texted me saying that she wanted to meet up. I texted her back saying
"Where's Nicole?".

"She's with Adnan." she replied. Straight away I was concerned, I was bit worried if they had a thing going. I asked Maya where they were and told her I wanted to hangout with Maya but also to keep an eye on Nicole.

*** At the park ***

I saw Maya and told her to take me where she last saw Nicole and Adnan.
We went to that bench but they weren't there.

I looked around and I spotted them, I quickly ran over so that she could hangout with us.
"Hi Nicole," I said as I tried to catch my breath. I looked down to see them holding hands and I glared at Adnan.
"Oh hi Niall, what are you doing here?" replied Nicole, she had tell go of his hand. She felt insecure, I could tell by the way a body language changed.

"Um, I just wanted to hangout and get away from all of the fans," I replied.
"So, what's happening between you two?" I asked curiously.
"We're going out," replied Adnan proudly, almost in a 'she's mine so now back away' tone.
My heart sank and shattered into a million pieces, I kept a fake smile so they couldn't see my pain. What!? When this happen? Oh my god why!? Why always the good people?! She was mine and didn't want anyone to have her. It's so hard to find the right person since your famous, they all turn out fake.

Maya ran up to us panting.
"So how's it with you and Barbara?" Nicole questioned.
"Me and Barbara? Everythings fine," I replied a bit confused.
"Oh yeah I read in the magazine you and Barbara are going out," Maya began to say.
"Yeah, I read that too," Nicole said displeased.
"Oh! that's not true," I confirmed.
"What! You told me that it was true?" Nicole said in shock.
"No I didn't," I replied.
"I asked you and you said it was true," Nicole carried on saying.
"I didn't have my phone this morning, Harry took it," I said. Nicole was starstruck.
"What!" yelled Nicole.
"Yeah, these magazine just make things up," I said to get rid of any more confusion.
It looked like she was about to break up into tears, but I could see she held her tears back. What wrong?

*** Nicole's P.O.V. ***

I don't believe what's just happened. I wanted cry my heart out, I said yes to Adnan all because Harry had Niall's phone!

I felt so stupid, I wanted to cry and scream because I was happy and angry at the same time. I was happy because Niall wasn't going out with anyone, but angry because of the whole mix up.

"Guy's I don't feel well, I going home," I began to say.
"Shall I take you home?" said Niall and Adnan in unison. They both looked at each other with angry eyes.
"It's okay, I'll walk alone," I said as I walked off.

Tears started to flow out of my eyes as I walked away, I just couldn't believe what has happened.

Just Friends? (Niall Horan & Adnan Januzaj fiction)Where stories live. Discover now