Believe Me

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We arrived to my grandma house , nothing changed since last time

" So here we are , act like you’re at home sweety "my grandma says with a smile , i smile back to her , i look around the place , to find the couch that i used to sit on when i was younger, it still the same even the smudge that i once made with watercolor still there , i went upstairs to find the bed that i cried on when they accused me.

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Flashback :

Everyone was looking at me in dirty looks , and whenever i tried to talk to someone they ignored me, " What did i do ?" i asked them ,

" Emily " the teacher called me , " the principal wants to talk to you " , i nodded and went to the principle office

There , i found my mom sitting on the chair and she looked at me in disappointment look , seriously what have i done ? ,

" come in Emily " the principle says , " sit down " she continued , " i know you are a good girl and everyone could do something like that i mean you still a little to understand wrong from right , " she sighed and complete " some of your friends told me that Eppie’s necklace have been missed for a while , and it seems that the necklace is kind of expensive and it’s a reminder from her mother , so i just want to ask you , did you take that necklace ? " 

What ?! i was shocked , how could they even doubt that i have done something like that .

Okay I’m little , I’m 12 years old but i know that stealing isn’t good , in that moment i was paralyzed how should i act ? what should i response ?

" sweety did you do it or not ?" my mom asked me , even my mom doesn’t trust me enough to know that i didn’t do it !

" i ... NO , i didn’t I’d never do it, i swear " i defense myself ,

" but they found it in your bag " my mom says while she shows me that necklace, she was about to cry , this can’t be happening not today ! , it’s my Birthday it supposes to be fun not like this ,

As i was standing there doing nothing except staring at my mom ,the principle spoke " Well I take your silence as yes , depending on that , you will get fired temporarily so you can learn your listen , and never do it again , you can go now "

But i didnt do it ! my mom was totally broken and i could do nothing " Come on Em " my mom says with a shaking voice

I followed her to the hallway it’s good that everybody in their classes , the moment i said that in my mind the bell rings , Oh great !

The first person i saw is Eppie , she had a wide, evil , smile on her face , but why she’s smiling ? , Wait , is it possible ? is she the one who put it my bag ? no,no i shouldn’t think like that , i mean i have never done anything wrong to her so she would do that ,

after a few seconds Harry showed up , Harry , he will believe me , he is the only one who have been by my side no matter what , i ran and hugged him " i didn't do it ,you know that , right ? " i was sobbing , he pushed me , but ..

" Harry " i was numb even him , what is wrong with them ? , i stared at him at his sparkling green eyes , then Eppie took his hand in her’s , the moment i saw this , the moment i knew that Harry lost his hope in me , i felt like I’m some kind of trash that been left on the sideway, my mom came and held my hand and we started to walk towards the door . i tried to fight her grip and go back to explain everything to him,but i couldn't my hand is too small and weak compared to her big,strong hand , it sucks how some people  that you love the most turn into the people that you hate the most

We got out of school then we got in the car , when we reached my grandma house i ran as fast as i could but i heard my mom complaining to my grandma about what happened today at school , i got in my room and closed the door with all my strength , i jumped on my bed and the only sound was heard was my crying & sobbing ,Why all bad things happen me ? why always me ?,now i have no one to believe me , even my mom , even Harry .

End of flashback.

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My grandma knocked the door while i was already lost in tears ,

" Can i come in ? " she asks me ,

" of course " i answer , she came in holding two muffins in her hand ,

" this is for my lovely Em " she handed it to me and then wiped my tears with her crimped, soft hand

" i know it was a really hard time for you , but you know that your mom was mad at you when you’ve done wrong things because she cares about you "

"but i don’t think that everyone cares about me Nana . like Harry , if he really cares he would at least let me explain myself " no I’m not gonna cry again he doesn't even worth crying

" Em , My lovely Em , both of you were young , he couldn't judge you to know that you were right or wrong , you can’t stay like this forever , you’re always stuck in your memories , just let it go , try to live your life like any normal girl , maybe if you meet him again you will like him " i interrupt her

" No , this can’t happen , i will never forgive him for anything "

"Emily, why do you keep remembering bad things , just remember when both of you were really good friends , don't ignore all of this , maybe if both of you still like the old days you would fall in love one day , and get married " she completes her sentence " anyway , i am going to leave you alone , the dinner will be ready in short time " , she kisses my forehead and left 

I was lost in her words ,could this actually happen , like in the real world ?

Naaah , Harry wasn't a good person and he’ll never be.

I wake up the next day , I feel like every bone in my body is broken , i regret for taking that damn plane , i get up and get in the shower , i wash my hair with strawberry and Kiwi shampoo , i washed my body quickly and get out of the shower , i decide to use straightener today ,I put a blue dress that stops just above my knees with vans , i dont know what is my problem with these shoes i just love them , i put mascara and lipstick and get downstairs

" Morning " i said to my grandma who was making eggs ,

" Morning darling " she says with her thick british accent , the smell of the breakfast make my stomach grumble , we eat slowly and have a little chat about what we’re going to do today , " I’m going for shoping today i need a lot of things to buy "

" Okay sweety but be careful while you drive " she says as she took her dish and put it in the dishwasher , i stand up as soon as i finished and do the same , I took my bag and begin to walk to the front door ,

" See u later " i shout to her and leave , i already rent a car , it is kinda old but it is better than nothing , i went to Starbucks first cause I’m used to buy White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino from there, i walk through the door , and order , i heard some whispers and giggles behind me ,

" Hey " i heard someone say , i didn't give that person any attention at first ,

" Hey, you,with the blue dress " i know this time that he meant me , i turned around to see that JERK , this cant be happening , No , Emily you’re just dreaming , this is not real !

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