Getting Ready CH 48

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Lyra POV 

It was Christmas Eve day, and all of the girls decided that we would get ready together. Everyone had decided on Molly's dorm to get ready because she had her own room since she was head girl. It would be perfect, plus we kicked Scorpius out, which meant we could have the entire Head Girl and Boy rooms to ourselves. Mother had taken all of our dresses to her room last night so that they would be there today. I was so excited to be going to this ball. It seemed different than all of the rest I had been to. 

I was walking to where Molly had told us where her dorm was, and I happened to get there at the same time as Lily, Cassi, and Isabella. 

"Great! This is everyone, right?" Isabella said.

"Yes." I nodded and smiled at her and hugged my little sister. Even though she wasn't going to the ball because she wasn't old enough, we all thought it would be nice if she could come to help us get ready. She was so cute when we asked her if she wanted to come. She squealed so loud we thought it had broken Orion's eardrum.

I knocked on the portrait, and Molly soon opened the door and let us all in. I tried to get Scorpius to tell me the password, but he said if I knew somehow Orion, Lily and Cassi would get in and pull pranks on him, just like at home. I found this ridiculous, but deep down, I knew he was right. Even if I hadn't told them, if I knew somehow they would too. Cassi and Lily were especially sneaky. 

"Hey girls, how are you all?" Molly said as she sat down on the couch. I looked around the room and smiled. It was wonderful. 

"Good, thanks." Lily smiled at her and sat next to her.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She was looking at a game of half played chess.

"Well, your brother and I have an ongoing game of chess, and I am trying to figure out the best way to win while he isn't here. Normally he puts some spell on it so I cannot remember what the positions of the pieces are, but he forgot to when he left, so this is my chance." She looked up and smiled at us. 

We all proceeded to sit down around the table and try and help her. It took a good hour before we had written down all the moves she would have to make. 

"What if he makes a different move than what we expected?" Isabella said, standing up, looking at the clock on the wall.

"He won't. I have played enough times with him to know where he moves and in what order. Plus, even if he moves them in a slightly different order, her moves can be changed around too." I said, giving Molly a nod. I loved beating Scorpius in chess, and I knew Molly had never got that feeling of satisfaction, and I knew she would love to.

"Girls, we should probably get ready. The boys said they would pick us up at 7, and it is 4 now." Isabella looked slightly stressed at the idea of only having 3 hours to get ready. Sometimes I think she forgets that we can do our hair with the wave of our wands since we are witches. 

"What should we start with, makeup?" I looked at Isabella for approval. She had gone through with all of us and helped us pick out our looks. She is the unofficial leader of getting all of us ready.

"Sounds perfect. Molly, you first." Isabella grabbed Molly's hand and sat her down on a taller stool in front of her. She waved her wand, and a bunch of makeup came flying toward her settling itself down on the table that she had next to her. Isabella worked makeup by hand and was really great at it. Her mother had become a makeup artist for famous witches after she and Marcus had started at Hogwarts. 

Molly had decided on a light smoky eye look that instead of black was silver and gray, with glitter in part of the eye shadow. It barely took Isabella any time before she was done. Lily came over and muttered a spell at Molly.

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