The Riddle Ch 44

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Lyra POV

It was two weeks after the first task, and every spare moment I had with James, we were working on the clue that he got from the task. It would be helpful for the second task, and the quicker we figured it out, the more time he had to prepare for the next challenge. Each task got harder, which worried me because the first task seemed difficult already. I was so impressed that he had made a shield and shot the stingers back at the wasp to defeat it. 

Today we were meeting with Scorpius and Molly so they could help us as well. They had agreed to take a day off from studying for N.E.W.T.s after I convinced them this was just as important. Plus, I knew Molly and Scorp were going to do amazing anyway. They were at the top of their year.

I was sitting in the library reading over what I had written about the riddle already when I heard someone coming toward me. It only caught my attention because they were running. I looked up, and it was Lily. Her face was completely white, and she looked terrified. 

"Lily, what is wrong, is everyone alright?" I stood up. Lily was never one to get scared about anything this much unless it was family. 

"Orion...and Cassi..." She was trying to breathe in between words, but she was so out of breathing. 

"Take me to them," I said, leaving all of my things where they were and running after her. We ran all the way across the castle and up the stairs of the astronomy tower. Cassi and Orion were both dangling from their feet from the ceiling. 

"Lily quickly go tell Madam Pomfrey that she is getting two students. Run quickly." I said in a rushed tone. Lily nodded her head and started running back down the stairs. Poor thing had now run all the way across the castle 3 times. It was needed, though; they were going to need Madam Pomfrey to make sure they were not upside down too long. I am sure it was something she could fix in no time, but even though I had read my mother's medical books, I didn't want to try and make sure they were alright. 

"I am going to get you guys down, don't worry," I said to my younger siblings, but they didn't respond. I was growing more worried about their states.

"Lyra?" I heard someone yelling my name. James was bounding up the steps, taking them two at a time. "I saw Lily running in the corridor, and she just shouted at me your name and the astronomy tower. I understand why now. What can I do to help?"

"I am not sure; they haven't responded at all. We need to get them down. I am too afraid to levitate them by myself. Perhaps together."

James nodded at me, and we took our wands out. We started with Cassi and levitated her down slowly, making sure to keep our concentration the entire time. I didn't want to drop her after this. We set her on the ground carefully and set to work on Orion. 

"His leg is stuck," James said. I moved to where he was standing, and sure enough. 

"Your broom James, can you Accio it here and then ride up and get him?"

"We can try that." He sounded skeptical, but I was running out of ideas. His broom came flying in moments later, and as he was mounting it, we heard footsteps. Madam Pomfrey, McGonagall, and Mother rushed up the stairs and looked at us dumbfounded. Lily was so out of breath from running around everywhere; it took her longer to make it up the stairs for the second time. 

"We got Cassi down, but Orion's leg is stuck. James was going to try and get him down with his broom." I said frantically.

"Madam Pomfrey, why don't you take Cassi down to the hospital wing, and we will be along momentarily with Orion," McGonagall said.

"James, we will levitate him, and if you can untangle his foot, then we will make sure he doesn't come crashing down." Mother said as she took her place under him.

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