Christmas At the Burrow Ch 4

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The next morning after we had all opened gifts and had lunch as a family, we headed for the Burrow to have Christmas with the Weasleys. The twins had loved their gift that I had gotten from George. I had to tell them not to tell Lily until after I gave hers to her later.  When we arrived, I took note of everyone that was there. 

George was with Angelina and Fred. Molly was there, of course, with her father, Percy, and her mom. For some reason, I had never learned her name and thought it was a bit rude to finally ask for it. Seeing as we had never spoken, I figured it was fine. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley was there; it was their house after all. Aunt Ginny, Uncle Harry, had Lily, James, and Albus near them. Ron and Lavender were there with their son Henry. All 6 of us, Andromeda, and Teddy were there as well. Soon after, Charlie arrived, and Bill and Fleur arrived with Victorie and Dominique. That was 28 people all in the Burrow. It was cramped, but I hadn't felt this happy when I wasn't with James for a long time.

Speaking of James, I watched as he walked over towards me. "Lyra, I meant to give this to you last night." He handed me a small package.

"Thank you, James." I started to unwrap it. Inside was a small snow globe. There was a tiny sugar quill inside that turned yellow.

"You like it." James smiled; it wasn't a question, more of a statement. "The quill will change color according to how you feel. I made it myself." He was proud, I could tell.

"What are all the colors?" I smiled at him. 

"Yellow for when you are happy, green for jealousy, blue for sad, pink for love, red for angry, and orange for confusion." 

"It is wonderful, James, thank you." I smiled at him once more and went to show my mom.

"Isn't it wonderful, Mother?" 

"It is dear. That was very nice of James."

I walked back over to him and handed him a box. "I wasn't going to be unprepared this year." He laughed and started to unwrap the gift. It was a small coin.

"A big box for such a small coin Lyra." He looked at me, confused.

"It will heat up when I need you," I whispered to him. I showed him mine. "Watch." I held my coin tight, and sure enough, his coin started to heat up. 

"Wow, this is great, Lyra. I love it."

"I know it is lame and selfish, but I didn't know what else to get you." I looked down at the floor.

"It is perfect, believe me." He smiled at me, and I went and sat down at the table. Mrs. Weasley had called for dinner. As always, her cooking was extraordinary, and it was all gone by the end of dinner.

"Wonderful cooking, dear." Mr. Weasley kissed his wife after everyone had finished their desserts. 

Then Teddy stood up, "I wanted to tell you all something." I looked at him. He looked beyond happy, and I had a suspicion about what was about to happen. "As you all know, Victorie and I are going to graduate from Hogwarts this year, and I know we are young, but I asked her to marry me, and she said yes." I smiled, Aunt Ginny spit out her pumpkin juice all over Harry, Fleur started to cry, and Bill looked absolutely stunned.

"What wonderful news!" Mrs. Weasley was smiling bigger than anyone; she pulled them both into a hug.

"Teddy." Uncle Harry was looking at him. "When did the two of you decide this?" 

"A couple of weeks ago, we just wanted to tell you guys altogether." Victorie was beaming. 

"I know it is a bit of a shock, and we are young, but we love one another very much." Teddy sounded as if he was trying to persuade everyone. 

"It is wonderful," Fleur said in her heavy French accent. "Bill, isn't it wonderful?" 

"It is dear." He seemed to have processed what was happening and was smiling as well.

I raised my glass, "A toast to the happy couple." Everyone raised their glasses and started offering up congratulations. 

Lily leaned over and looked at me, "Soon, that will be you and my brother." She whispered in my ear. I looked at her; I didn't know what to say. "It is alright, you know, I know he loves you, and you fancy him. Others might not be able to see it yet, but I can. My brother is easy to read." She smiled and then went over to hug Teddy. I was only 13. That wasn't going to be me anytime soon; there were plenty of people in the family older than I was who would be getting married before me, and who knew if I would marry James Potter. 

I knew deep down I was trying to calm myself and that Lily was right, but I couldn't think about that right now; I hadn't even taken my O.W.L's yet. 

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