The Last Time CH 59

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Lyra POV

It was the last time before James, Molly, and Scorpius graduated that we would all sit with another for a meal at Hogwarts. It didn't seem like it could already be over. This year seemed to speed by and also go incredibly slow.

We were meeting for dinner tonight at the Griffindor table. Scorpius and James argued about which table for the longest time, but they finally agreed. We would be having supper at the Griffindor table, and then we were all going to get up and have dessert at the Slytherin table. I was interested to see how everyone reacted to 10 of us just getting up and switching tables in the middle feast, but that didn't seem to bother James or Scorpius.

I spent most of the day with James. I could not believe that tomorrow was going to be our last day at Hogwarts together. I had been fighting back the tears all day. It really hadn't hit me that they were all leaving until they took their NEWTs.

"How am I going to get through next term without you here, James?" I asked him as he played with my hair on one of the couches in the common room.

"What do you mean you are going to be studying every second you are not in class or on the pitch." He smiled up at me. That was another problem. Lily and I were concerned about the opening spot of Seeker. As captain next year, I would choose, but no one would be as good as James.

"But knowing you are not in here if I need you is scary," I responded.

"I'll come to Hogsmeade every weekend, and we can spend them together. It will go faster than you think; you won't miss me that much." He laughed slightly, but I could tell he didn't believe that any more than I did.

"Of course, I will miss you, James; we practically spend all of our time together." I sat up and kissed him lightly.

"I'll miss you just as much." He pulled me back into his chest, and I took in a deep breath. He was always my favorite scent. I was baffled at how I used to despise being around him when I was younger.

"Are you ready for the feast?" Lily had come down from the dorms.

"I think so," James said as he got up. He helped me up and let go of my hand, and walked up to Lily. He pulled her into a hug. "I love you, sis."

"I love you too, James," she responded quietly. She had always been close to James. And James would move mountains to protect his family. If he could part the sea for Lily, he would. I knew that he was worried about having her here without him. I had reminded him three times this week already that Albus would be here for two more years, and he would never let anything happen to her. Neither would Marcus, Isabella, Cassi, or Orion. We all had one another's backs. That is what I loved about my family. Even though we were not related, we were family none the less. Through and through. 

"Let's go down to dinner," I said, taking James's hand back. We walked silently into the Great Hall for the last time for dinner together. It was a strange feeling. Many seventh years were looking up at the ceiling and trying to take in as many memories as possible. I still didn't know how I would handle leaving after next term, and I still had one more year to live here. 

"It is so magical here," James said with a sigh. Not something that would normally come out of James's mouth, I noted. It was almost like his thoughts slipped out before he realized. "I am now jealous of you entirely, Molly." He looked at her as she sat down next to my brother. 

"Why is that, James?" She asked.

"Because you get to spend the rest of your life here." He said like it was the obvious answer. 

"Yes, I don't think it will ever get old." She smiled proudly. 

"I am so glad you are happy with what you decided to do," Scorpius said, placing a kiss on her cheek. He looked so happy with Molly, and I was so glad they found one another. When I was little, I always heard my parents talking about how they were never going to find anyone for him, looking just like father and baring the Malfoy name. I do think they always forgot who my mother was, but as I got older, I understood more and more about why they were concerned.

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