A Date? Ch 8

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It was a week until the first Hogsmeade trip, and I was trying to find James everywhere. Molly had wanted to hang out in the common room, I'm sure, to study, but I needed his advice. Even though James would never go out with anyone except my sister, which I was starting to come to terms with, all the girls loved him, and we always around him. I didn't understand it. He always said it was because of his dad, or sometimes his mother, if the girls really liked quidditch, but none of that happened to me. Occasionally some girls would stare at me,  but I figured people learned to keep their mouths shut about my father during my first year when James punched Flint in the middle of a classroom. 

"James! There you are; why are you so bloody hard to find." I sped toward him. He was leaned against the wall spinning his wand through his fingers. "Why are you just standing there?"

"Well, I heard you were looking for me, and I thought it would be fun to play an unannounced game of find James."

"Of course you did. Now I have a question for you."

"Why don't you take your sister's advice and ask her Scorp. It really is just that simple."

"Well, how did you know that is what I was going to ask you?"

"You are always with Molly; this one time, your not, and you need to ask me something; I'm not stupid, Scorp." He laughed at me and then pushed off the wall heading down the corridor.

"Hey, wait," I ran after him to catch up, "What do I say?"

"You ask her to go to Hogsmeade with you. Perhaps throw in that it would just be the two of you. So she doesn't get the wrong idea." 

I nodded and thought. I could do it. "Alright, thanks!" I turned around and headed towards the dungeons.

"Hey, Mol." I sat down on the couch, nervously.

"Hey Scorp, I have been looking for you all over; I thought we agreed to study this weekend."

"I remembered; I just had to talk to James really quickly."

"Oh well, are you ready to study now?"

"Yep, what are we studying again. I finished all of my homework already, and we don't have any exams coming up." I was thinking, I hope that was true; in all honesty, I had no idea.

"Well, I thought we would get a head start. It is never too early to start studying, especially because we have O.W.Ls this year. Or did you forget?"

"Mol, you know I didn't forget; Mom has been sending me letters every week reminding me."

"Well then, let's get started, shall we."

"Alright." I gave up on asking her for now; I know I wasn't going to win this fight. Molly took her grades very seriously. It isn't that I didn't; I just didn't think it was the most important thing. I never said this out loud, though; I wasn't sure how mom would take it. After around two hours of quizzing one another on different materials, I leaned back into the couch. I was tired and done studying for today. Molly, though, still hadn't taken her eyes of the new book she had been reading. She eventually sighed and shut the book.

"What is it, Mol?"

"There is just so much to learn, and what if I cannot remember it all?"

"Molly, you are top of the class; you will be able to pass all of our O.W.L.'s with Outstanding's I'm sure of it." I smiled at her.

"You think so?" she seemed so unsure.

"Why are you so worried?"

"What if I disappoint father? You know how he is."

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