Scorpius's Date Ch 21

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Scorpius POV

I took my mother's advice and asked Molly on another date. We had been on two, I believe, but never really discussed it further. With O.W.L.s and then McLaggen, everything was brushed under the rug. She had said yes, though, and I was very excited. I was even going to go pick her up from her house. Mother had told me all about how muggle men do it, show up to the door with flowers; I thought it had been a great idea. It was somewhat complicated, though, being a wizard, I couldn't apparate, so I went through the floo network. Almost the same, I was still going to bring flowers. 

"Take her lily's mate!" James brought me out of her thoughts. I had been trying to decide what flowers to take her all morning. 

"No, I don't think that is the right flower, James. How is it you knew that Lyra likes snowglobes, and I cannot pick a bloody flower?"

"Well, Lyra talked about it once, when she was really tired. In the common room. It was quite funny, actually. Mumbling on about all of the ones she has in her room." James was smiling, thinking of the memory.

I thought back to all of the conversations that Molly and I had had over the years. Had she ever mentioned flowers? Then it hit me.


I remembered it like it was yesterday; it was second year.

"Scorpius, look what is over here!" Molly called from a few meters away. 

I walked over to her, "What is it, Mols?"

"Daisies! My favorite, how have I not seen any before today?"

"I am not sure Mols, they look nice, though." I offered her a smile.


"Daisies!" I practically screamed at James. He looked at me, horrified.


"She likes daisies." I smiled at the memory, just as James had done. "I will go ask Lyra if she has any in the gardens."

I walked to Lyra's room; she was lying on her bed, reading a book. "Lyra?"

She looked up, motioned for me to come in, and sat up. "Yes, Scorpius?"

"Do you happen to have any daisies I can take to Molly for our date, they are her favorite, and I would have gone and purchased some, only I have just remembered which she liked best."

"I do; they are in the garden; I will go find some for you and make an arraignment. Is that alright. When do they need to be ready?" She asked me.

"I am leaving at 5:30." 

"An hour, plenty of time. I'll bring them to your room. Don't worry, brother, she will love them."

"Thank you so much." As I was walking back to my room, Cassi and Orion sped through the hall.

"Scorpius!" They called in unison.


"Good luck on your date," Orion said. A smirk plastered across his face.

"Don't forget not to mess it up. I like her very much." Cassi added with emphasis.

"I'll try not to Cass." I laughed and went into my bedroom.

"Well, I better get going, mom expects me home for dinner, and since I don't recall when it is, I should leave," James said to me when I sat down on my bed.

"Alright mate, should I come over tomorrow then, let you know how it goes?"

"Absolutely!" He said, slapped me on the back, and went into the fireplace to floo back to his house. Soon after, Lyra came in and handed me a giant bouquet of flowers.

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