Chapter 7 : bad dreams

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The gold ring is the family ring it talks about later :))

⚠️ This is has heavy, sad parts in it so if you are triggered by the mention of suicide, don't read! ⚠️


My eyes opened abruptly as someone shook me, "Issy what's wrong?!" Drew asked, out of breath.

I felt hot tears streaming down my face as I opened my mouth to speak, "I-I had a nightmare."

He sat down beside me and wiped away my tears, "That wasn't just some nightmare Issy, you were screaming at the top of your lungs."

I looked down at my trembling hands and sighed, "I have a form of PTSD."

His eyes laced with concern, "How long has it been since you had an episode like this?"

I took in a deep breath, "Well, I was in the hospital still so about three months ago maybe." I said quietly.

He tilted my head up with his finger, "If you wanna talk I'm here."

I nodded, "You can't tell anyone about it." I said, almost whispering.

He nodded, "I won't."

I took in another deep breath and let it out a moment later, "Well, as you probably know I've lived with my mom my whole life in Hawaii." I said, looking up at him as he nodded.

"My mom and I were so close, I don't even know how we didn't get sick of each other." I smiled at the thought of her, "So one day we were heading home from a gymnastic competition a-and-"

"You don't have to do this right now Issy, let's get you back to sleep and I'll call us out of school for the day." He said, rubbing my arm to calm down my breathing.

At this point I was gasping for air, and I didn't even notice until he stopped me from talking.

I looked at him with fearful eyes, "But I'm scared I'll have another one." I whispered.

His eyes softened more than I thought was possible, "Okay, just let me call the school and I'll be right back to help."

I nodded and leaned back into my pillows.

Am I really gonna tell Drew of all people about all of this?

Only a minute or two later, Liam bursted into my room, "Are you okay Issy?" He asked, panic laced in his voice.

I nodded, "I will be. Just go to school, I'll be fine here alone."

He wrapped his arms around me, "Drew offered to
stay here with you so you're not alone though."

I nodded my head.

"I love you Is, never forget that. Okay?" He said in a very gentle tone.

I gave him a weak smile, "I love you too Li, always."

He set a gentle kiss on my forehead and left, "I'll text you at lunch."

I nodded and shifted in my bed to sit up.

Drew came back into my room soon after that and sat beside me, "You wanna try and sleep?"

I gave him an apprehensive look.

He seemed to notice my uneasiness because he scooted slightly closer, "I'll be here the whole time to shield off bad dreams."

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