Chapter 15 : drama

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Subtle stirring coming from beside me gently woke me up and I opened my eyes slowly. I sighed as a smile rose to my face at the sight in front of me, Oliver sleeping peacefully with a content look on his face.

I reached up and traced the light lines on his cheek where dimples would form if a full smile appeared on his face. His cheek twitched against my touch as a small breath of air escaped his lips.

He never ceases to leave me speechless.

His eyes fluttered open slowly, a boyish smile immediately lighting up his face, "Good mornin' Is." He mumbled sleepily.

Don't even get me started on the sleepy voice.

"Mornin' sleepyhead." I said with a teasing smile.

He rolled himself on top of me in reply, a groan escaping my lips as his weight shifted onto me and pushed any air from within my lungs.

He snuggled his head into my neck and sighed, "You're comfy."

I chuckled, "Thanks, but could you uh get off."

He let out an objective, but playful sigh, "Fine."

I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone, glancing down at the text message from our school, "We have a late start. Hell yes." I said as I looked over at Oliver.

His face lit up, "Fuck yeah!"

The late start schedule means that we don't go into school until eleven rather than eight. Plus we didn't set an alarm for later, so now we have tons of time to spare.

Oliver turned his head to me, his eyes roaming all around my face.

"What?" I asked as he stared at me.

He shrugged, "You're beautiful."

A huge smile rose on my face as I buried my head into his neck, "Thanks."

You're beautiful.

Such a simple statement, but for me it speaks volume.

When I first moved here, I would've never expected those words to come out of his mouth.

He put his hands on my face. His eyes flitting between my lips and my eyes, as if asking for permission.

I glanced at his lips, a small confirmation for him to kiss me. He leaned in slowly and captured my lips with his.

Unlike many of our other kisses, this one was slow and full of feelings rather than needy and wanting more.

He rolled over onto me, hovering so that barely any of his weight was on me.

His lips pressed against mine harder as my hands wandered down his bare back, taking my time to feel every muscle.

He pulled his head back, lips dangerously close to my own, "You know, it's very hard not to think about fucking you." He said in a husky voice.

My eyes widened as my stomach fluttered. He closed the small distance between our lips again and bit down on my lip. My mouth opened slightly in surprise and he used it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth slowly.

His hands trailed down my face and along my body until he reached my waist. He gripped my sides firmly, massaging them seductively.

A small moan escaped my lips as his hips rocked against mine ever so slightly.

I smirked inwardly and started to trail the kisses down his jaw, a tense breath leaving his mouth. As I got down to his neck, I started to suck on it to leave a dark hickey on the left side of his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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