His What?

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"Yes, the jar has been searching years for the right maiden to open it in order to provide me a
wife and you my dear have been chosen." With this announcement, he placed a gentle kiss on
my hand. Repulsed I drew my hand back and slapped him for his outrageous gesture.
"How dare you," I screeched, "all I wish to do is go home, you are a gross repulsing thing I
would never marry you let alone the fact that I am merely fourteen years old."
"You shall never return," he said with anger seeping through every syllable rolling off his
tongue, "you are my fiance and if I have to I will keep you locked up until we are married,
Jonathan escort her to her chambers."
Before Jonathan grabbed my arm the king and he exchanged a few words. While dragging me
towards what looked to be a set of stairs, the subtle green shade of Jonathan's skin grew. Once
we reached the top of the stairs we came to a door in which Jonathan tore open and shoved me
inside when I looked over my shoulder he no longer had a charming smile on his face, in fact, he
looked completely different. He was in the same pickle/human form the king was and I couldn't
help but cry I thought he was my friend.
"That is the first and last mistake you will ever make," with this for his parting words he
slammed the door shut, clicking multiple locks into place from the outside. With the sound of his
repulsing self-stomping down the stairs I fell to the floor, my body racked with sobs as the dam
completely broke and I was left a blubbering mess. As I cried the green light from the window
became brighter and brighter until it was almost unbearable, then with a sound so similar to the
rolling of thunder a lady appeared. Anyone's first thoughts would be fairy godmother but this
lady had no wings or bright pink sparkling dress. Instead, she was dressed in a black and green
gown, with black hair and dark makeup I was scared for my life. But instead of doing harm she spoke with a gentle voice.


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