"Pick yourself up my dear this is no way for a hero to act."
Though my tears did stop, this statement only left me more confused, she continued to offer
her hand in order to help me to stand up and then went about explaining not only who she was but who I am. She is in fact, not a fairy godmother but the only magical being left in the world of Dillopickle, named Dalila and I was the hero that was to save all the people from the horrid king who believed I was destined to be his wife. When in fact I was brought here to kill him and only then can I return home. For his rule had left the rich and snobbish people I saw in the city living great and marvelous lives, while the poor and working citizens are left begging and dying from starvation, and of course the rich don't care and if they did they would become just like them.
She also informed me that all the people are normal except for the king and his loyal guardsmen that include Jonathan, they all are actually evil pickles, Even though they weren't always that way the King was a scientist at one point who experimented on himself and then turned mere regular pickles into humans and he then gained the power somehow to be able to change them back and forth as he wishes. He and his "henchmen" then overtook the real king and killed him leading the people into a time of starving while others into prosperity and riches. I am the only one who can save the people and bring happiness back to Dillopickle.In order to save the people though I need to kill the king and only then can I return back to my own world on Earth.
After hours of talking, I gave her a final nod of my head signally that I would try my best in fulfilling my destiny that the jar had chosen for me. She then took a jade necklace from around her neck, slowly lowering onto my own as I moved my hair to the side in order to keep the two from intertwining.
"This will give you power and strength for the trying times ahead," she whispered, "I have
faith that you can do this and even though I wish to help I can't it must be you to kill him and
you must do it on your own or you could be trapped here forever never to return back to Earth." I
gave her a weak smile and wrapped my hand around the small pendant that was situated around
my neck.
"I promise that I will save the people and restore Dillopickle to what it once was," with an
endearing smile she left as quick as she came, "plus,"I added quietly, "I really want to go home."
Smiling softly to myself I finally looked in the room. It was more equipped than the last, being
furnished with grand objects including a giant canopy bed. After looking around I made my way
to the bed exhausted from the day I have had and instantly fell asleep thinking of the men I will
have to face tomorrow.************************************************************************************
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The Pickle Jar Destiny
AdventureA short story in which a normal teenage girl saves the people of a world she never knew existed.