Break Time

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Ariana's POV:

I opened my eyes, seeing the sun shining in through the window and I rubbed my eyes turning to face the other side of my room, smiling when I remembered that I didn't have any work today but it was also a little upsetting, I enjoyed recording and doing this song with Justin has been to much fun, so it was never actually tiring and annoying, infact it was great. But none the less I was excited for today. Jai was leaving and we needed to hang out before he did. Today was a break, I hadn't had one in ages, I just wanted to relax and hang out with my boyfriend and my friends. Therefore we had decided to go out. He was going on tour tomorrow and they were all really excited but at the same time, I could feel Jai was a little uneasy at the idea of leaving when me and Justin were working really hard on this duet. I could easily guess his brothers and friends had been filling his mind with all the bad things that could happen or in their heads were already happening.

I got up clearing my thoughts and walked to the bathroom looking in the mirror and smiling. I did my hair and makeup after washing my face and walked out, opening my closet trying to decide what to wear.I pulled out a pair of pink pumps and a colorful mini dress. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

"morning mama" I said kissing her cheek

"hello honey" she said

"you look pretty, you going out?"

"yea with Jai and Luke and beau and skip and James and Alexa"

"ok sweetie, say hi to them"

"will do mama"

I grabbed a granola bar from the fridge when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and was surprised to see Justin Bieber, I picked up quickly.

"Hello" I asked uncertainly

"hey Ariana, its Justin" he answered

"yea, I know" I laughed

he laughed to.

"anyway, do you wanna hang out, I know we've been seeing each other for three days straight and your probably bored with me but we could just hang out without work you know" he said

I would've loved to hang out with Justin without the work and I was almost ready to cancel my plans, but I realized Jai would hate me and it would make him think there was something going on, I mean why else would I hang out with Justin instead of him, no sooner had I thought of that then I realized that I did wanna hang out with Justin instead of him but that didn't mean anything, I just wanted to get to know him better,I shook off the weird feeling that overcame me.

"um Ariana you there" Justin said on the side, I snapped out of my thoughts realizing how long I had been thinking.

"yea sorry Justin, I was getting something"

"its ok, so you up for it?"

"I would love to Justin, I really would but unfortunately I can't, Jai is leaving tomorrow and I promised we'd spend today together"

"oh, well its ok Ariana, another time then" he said lightly

"thank you for understanding Justin" I said a little sad

"don't worry about it, I'll see you tomorrow" he said and the call ended.

Then I heard voices from the living room and went it seeing everybody waiting for me.

"you ready baby" Jai said walking over to me.

"sure" I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"let's go guys" Alexa said eyeing me warily with a look of we need to talk later.

I nodded slightly at her wondering what's up but not giving it much thought.

"bye mom" I said closing the door behind me and as we walked towards the car Alexa came over walking next to me.

"he's worried about you and Justin" she murmured so only I could hear.

"I'll talk to him" I whispered.

she nodded at me as I grabbed her hand and got in the car.

"today is gonna be good" Luke said

"it sure will be" I smiled and everybody started talking and laughing, it was going to be a good day.


Aww I feel for Justin, anyway guys i'm not gonna make Jai a mean rude obnoxious jerk, he's so much better than that and I love him so much. the rest of the Janoskians are also gonna be there sweet adorable idiotic selves lol ;) I love them all so I refuse to make any of them jerks. Actually some surprising relationships and friendships might be made in this story.

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