Break Time (Part 2)

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Justin's POV:

I Woke up stretching my arms and legs and looking at the ceiling above me thinking about everything. Today was break day, even though studio work these days was way to fun to even call work but still a break is needed to keep my voice good. I thought about recording with Ariana and working on my new album. Our song "Someday We'll Know" was sweet, romantic, and it was a love song. I wrote it and her voice suited it perfectly, but working with her had me wanting to know her personally. I wanted to know Ariana the person not Ariana Grande pop princess. Sure she was as beautiful as any princess but somehow she didn't seem like the princessy royal good girl type. Her voice would take her very far and one day she would be referred to as a legend. I thought of calling her and asking if she wanted to hang out, there was nothing wrong with that, we could go out and have lunch or something, get to know each other better.

I got up, walking towards the bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing my hair before walking out pulling on a pair of Jeans and a black tshirt with black Neo shoes, and walking downstairs. I ate a quick bowl of cereal and then searched for Ariana Grande in my contacts and hit call.She picked up quickly.

"hello" she answered seeming very uncertain

"hey Ariana its Justin"I replied quickly

"yea,I know"she laughed

I laughed with her then got straight to the point.

"anyway do you wanna hang out, I know we've been seeing each other for the days straight and your probably bored with me but do you wanna hang out without working you know just get to know each other" I shut up at that point not even fully remembering what I'd just rambled on about.

There was a long silence when I said

"Ariana, you there"

"yea sorry Justin I was getting something" she said quickly

"so you up for it" I know I probably sounded desperate but whatever.

"I would love to Justin I really would but jai is leaving tomorrow and I promised we'd spend today together."

"oh, well its ok, another time then" I said hoping I didn't sound to disappointed.

"thanks for understanding Justin"

"don't worry about it, I'll see you tomorrow" I said quickly and ended the call.

I sat there for a few minutes before calling Ryan and asking if he was up to hang out, when he said yes, I called Za and Khalil and we decided on where to meet. I took a selfie and posted it on instagram with the caption

"going to be a good day with my bros"

I read through some of the comments ignoring all the haters and smiling and laughing at some of my beliebers.

"justin omg ur hair, come kiss me"

"I love youu baby"

"wtf ur so sexy babe"

"he's grown up our boy is grown up, come cry with me guys"

"Justin Drew bieber get ur sexy ass over here"

"so proud of you"

"my lifeeeeee"

"omggg ur perfect"

I rolled my eyes at all these

"I look like Justin" and "I have his kik or number or whatever" they were all liars, it was kinda funny how people believed them. I got up, drank a cup of water and went outside. I got into my car, turning up the music and I smiled too myself, yea I didn't get to spend time with Ariana but I was going to spend time with my friends and that means an amazing day.


I wanna see Ariana wearing shorts lol, I know that's weird but idk why, she's beautiful and perfect. All this Justin drama..... I wish he'd never messed with that topic but I mean people ate kinda overreacting, I don't even think Justin realized what he said at the time. I mean Justin obviously is not racist and its obvious he feels bad about it.

Comment and vote babes xx

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