Don't Be Scared, I'm Here

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Justin's POV:

Ariana and I sat down in the hospital chairs with her mother, brother and her family. We'd flown down to Boca and a taxi had driven us here. I kept my arm around Ariana's shoulder and she leaned her head on my chest.

"I love you" I whispered as I saw her playing with her ring.

"I love you" she said back. Her mom came and sat next to us and Ariana got up and looked at her mother, Joan looked at the ring and back up at us smiling.

"we're engaged" Ariana said softly

"I'm happy for you" she said hugging her daughter. I smiled and rested my head back closing my eyes. I opened them and Ariana had her head in my lap, I saw a tear run down her cheek and I wiped it off quickly.

"baby think of happy thoughts" I said

"do you remember the time we went swimming in Mexico" I said looking at her, I saw the smile appear on her face as she remembered.


"Justin stop" Ariana screamed as he chased her around with a bottle of water,

"never" he shouted laughing.

She tripped on a stone and went sailing to the ground.

"Ari babe you ok" he said sitting next to her.

"oww" she moaned out.

He looked at her and pulled her onto him.

"you're pretty" he grinned

"I'm hurt" she pouted at him. He laughed kissing her cheek and stroking her cheek.

"I love you jaybear" she said laughing and hugging him.

"I love you to arifly because you're a butterfly but an Ari fly" Justin said laughing. He got up pulling her with him as she jumped on his back and he ran into the beach, the water hitting their legs while Justin swung Ariana around, their laughs dancing around them.

End Of Flashback

"I remember" she said smiling at me and I couldn't help but laugh at her beautiful face.

"remind me of more" she said looking up at him.

"hmm, do you remember when we went to knots scary farm" I said


"Justin let's go" she said impatiently

"I'm coming baby" he said

They both jumped and screamed when a man suddenly jumped out in front of them with a knife.

Ariana clutched onto Justin and the man was hidden as fast as he'd come out. They walked out when it was over and laughed as it had been so much fun. They saw a kid standing with his mother and then his older brother scared him and he started crying, Ariana and Justin both laughed at the sight in front of them and the mother looked up angrily at them. Justin covered his mouth and Ariana hid her face in Justin's chest but then both burst out laughing and Justin ran out with Ariana following him. He grabbed her hand and they both calmed down, Ariana kissed Justin on the mouth softly.

End Of Flashback

"omg the mother hated us" Ariana said giggling.

"yea she did" Justin said playing with Ariana's hair. The doctor came out and said

"Grande" everyone got up and walked over to the doctor.

"how is he?" Nonna asked

"he's in bad shape, to be quite honest with you ms. Grande your husband is in a very rough spot" he said

"but we're trying to see what's wrong with him, if we can just find the cause, I'm sure we can nurse him to health, and he asked to see Mr Bieber" she said looking at me.

I looked at everyone and they all wore the same confused expressions.

I nodded and walked behind the doctor and into his room.

"hey Mr Grande" I said softly

"sit down Justin, as Ariana's father isn't very present in her life, I just wanted to know you have something very special between your hands, you don't find many woman like Ariana and you're lucky to have her"

"I know Mr Grande, I'm very blessed"

"that's about right, you are and I can see how happy you make my granddaughter" he said, I waited for him to continue.

"don't ever disappoint her, keep her happy, please"

"of course Mr Grande, I'll keep her happy, I promise." I said softly

He smiled at me then closed his eyes and I walked out right into the arms of my baby girl. I hugged her, kissing her head.

"I love you so much" I said against her.

"I love you baby boy" she said and I realized she'd been here all along, she'd heard everything. I smiled against her pretty head. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

"I'm scared Justin" she said

"don't be scared, I'm here" I said holding her body against mine.


Guys, idk if I should make grandpa Grande pass away.. I don't think I will. Anywaysss I have a new story, its called

"No Regrets" please check it out. Thank you and I love you all.

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