Save Me

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Ariana's POV:

I sighed in tiredness as I rubbed my eyes, trying to get past the paparazzi and the fans who were crowded around the hospital.

"Ariana why isn't Justin with you?"

"is that an engagement ring?"

"are you pregnant?"

I was this close to blowing up by the time we got to the door and I rushed inside, my body guard blocking the paparazzi outside. I went up to my grandpas room and saw mama and nonna sitting next to him.

"How is he?" I said sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Ariana, he, he needs bone marrow and someone with the same blood type, you know how rare his blood type is." My mother said and my eyes watered as the fact that if they didn't get the bone marrow, he would pass away.

Justin had flown to Canada to see his parents and tell them about our engagement and then he'd flown back to NY to promote his upcoming album, I didn't wanna be selfish and make him stay with me even though I needed him more than ever.

"what's his blood type?" I asked softly.

Mama replied and something clicked in my mind, Justin had the same blood type. Pattie had told me once that his blood type was rare and she'd told me it at the time. Justin had the same blood type, he could save gramps.

"mama, nonna, Justin" I yelled

"what about him sweetie" mama said looking at me.

"he has the same blood type, he could save grandpa" I said quickly

Momma and Nonna looked at each other quickly then at me.

"would he do that?" Nonna asked looking at me hopefully.

"sure he would, I'll call him right now" I said getting up feeling very hopeful and a little less stressed.

I called Justin "MyOne&OnlyLove"

Phone Convo:

"Justin babe"

"hey Ari, can I call you back baby, I'm at the studio" he said as I heard talking in the back and scooter telling Justin to hurry up.

"just 5 minutes" I pleaded

"ok" he said quickly

"Justin you have the same blood type as grandpa and its rare so they're not finding a bone marrow donor, I was wondering if you could help" I said softly

"Ariana, I, I mean I don't know if I can do that, I need doctors permission, my mom needs to know, I can't leave right now, I'm working, I have to stay in LA and record, that's kinda selfish and its probably not gonna work, I'm to young, I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later, bye" Justin rambled on and I heard the dial tone in my ear. I felt myself get nauseous, he said no, the person who'd never before let me down just had. How could he do this to me. I headed back to the room and saw momma and Nonna,

"what'd he say" they asked

"he can't leave his work, scooter won't let him" I said emotionless. They both looked at each other and didn't say anything. How could my relationship with Justin ever be the same, I was mad, angry and let down. He had denied my grandpa his health and that just wasn't fair. I would do it for him without hesitation. My eyes started getting wet and before I knew it, I had tears streaming down my face. My mom came and hugged me and my sobs filled the room.

Justin's POV:

I couldn't focus on my work anymore, how had I said no to her? What if her grandpa died, it would be all my fault because I didn't help, not only that but our relationship would never work out.

"Scoot, mom, everyone help me out here" I said softly, already having filled them in on the current situation, they all looked at me.

"Justin, you're my son, I never wanna see you hurt or be scared but your growing up and I can't stop that anymore, I wouldn't want you risking yourself for anyone but I can't protect you forever. Honey you and Ariana are engaged now and what do I always tell you, there's no better act of love than sacrifice, honey, sweety, your relationship will never be the same and I know it scares you but you need to help her baby, her family is your family now" my mom said and I thanked God to be blessed with a mother so wise so great. After that everything was rushed, my mom called my doctor and I headed home and packed a bag, Fredo was driving me to the airport and I was already nervous, my mom had gotten me my doctors paper and I had my airplane ticket. I got to the airport and Fredo bro hugged me quickly,

"love you bro" he said

"I love you to fredo" I said walking towards the terminal, I smiled and waved at fans but didn't stop for pictures, I quickly headed onto the plane. I called Ariana but she didn't pick up, I knew she was probably pissed at me. My eyes started drifting and I fell asleep soon.

The flight attendant woke me up and told me that we'd arrived, I rushed out of the plane glad I didn't pack any big bags. I quickly walked out of the airport going to my waiting car. I got in saying a quick hi to the driver, we got there in no time and I payed him, generously tipping him. I got out and walked into the hospital, the receptionist having seen me here before, let me in. I ran up struggling with my backup to get the doctors permission slip, I got Ariana's floor and looked around for her, when I didn't see her, I asked the nurse what room they'd moved grandpa Grande to. She recognized me and quickly told me, I ran to the door and was ready to go in but I didn't, I stopped for the first time since mom had told me to come and thought about what I was about to do, bone marrow aspiration, they took bone marrow from my hip and injected into grandpa Grande, the chemotherapy hadn't succeeded this was their only hope, it would definitely be risky but I had to do it, for Ariana. I pushed the door open before I got scared and everyone turned to look at me. Ariana looked at me surprised,

"I got the doctors permission" I said holding up the paper, I looked at Ariana hopefully, begging her not to be mad at me, to forgive me. She got up and came over to me taking the paper handing it to her mother and she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me and I knew everything was worth it. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

"thank you Justin" Nonna said coming over to kiss my cheek, I smiled at her and then Joan also said thank you kissing my head quickly. I smiled at them both and they headed back to grandpa Grande's side.

"I knew you would never let me down" Ariana whispered and I let my hand run through her hair.

"I'm sorry" I said

"don't be, you got scared but its, its ok" she said softly

"I love you Ariana"

"I love you Justin, you always save me" she said her voice making me calm. Nonna and Joan went to tell the doctor and I let myself go in Ariana's arms.


Hope you guys enjoyed. xx

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