Dinner Date

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Justin's POV:

I woke up the next morning on Ariana's bed and turned around not seeing her there.

I stretched my body out hearing the sound of water running in the bathroom.

I got up straightening my clothes and doing the bed where we slept.

I walked downstairs and saw Ariana's mother and brother sitting at the island, Joan with a paper and Frankie with a book, they both had coffee mugs and muffins infront of them. They looked shocked when they saw me and they had every right to.

"Justin" Joan said looking confused as hell.

I cursed myself for not waiting for Ariana.

"omg, it's Justin Bieber, in my fucking house" Frankie screamed

"uh, hey guys" I said scratching my neck.

It was awkward and then we heard footsteps on the stairs and I thanked God for Ari coming down. She came up and kissed my cheek whispering

"morning love" in my ear.

She walked over to the island where Joan and Frankie were sitting.

"hey guys" she said kissing both their cheeks and hugging her mother.

She grabbed a granola bar and poured a cup of orange juice.

"come sit Justin" she said patting the stool next to her.

I walked slowly noticing her mother and brother still had bewildered looks on their face although Frankie looked extremely happy and excited.

"um mom, Justin came over yesterday night while you guys were out and we watched a movie and he fell asleep here." Ariana said and gave me a soft smile while getting me a muffin and juice.

"thank you ba- Ariana" I said quickly looking down at my slip up.

I looked up and Ariana and Frankie were hiding laughs while Joan just looked amused.

"Justin you're very welcome in this home" Joan said kindly

"thank you so much, you have a beautiful home and a beautiful daughter whose an amazing person" I said giving Ariana a big smile to which she hid her face in my shoulder.

"alright, I've gotta get going Ari but I'll see you later right?"

"definitely" she answered

"wanna go out to dinner" I said while we were standing at the door.

"hmm, sure Justin I'd love to but remember friends here" she gave me a playful yet serious look.

"I know girly" I said twirling my finger around her hair. She hugged me, pressing her head against my cheek.

"bye Ari" I mumbled against her hair, kissing it softly.

"bye jay" she said kissing my cheek and my jaw, before letting me go. She closed the door behind me not before giving me a big smile.

Ariana's POV:

I walked back into the house, knowing what was coming from mom and Frankie.

"Ariana Grande Butera" my mother said

"why are you playing with that boys heart?" She sternly said

"mom, i'm not, I love him, i'm falling in love with him but we know we can't do this because I can't hurt Jai, so we're just friends" I sighed, tearing up. My mother came over to me and hugged me.

"sweetie, you've always done the right thing and I know you will this time to" she said smoothing her hand over my hair.

Frankie came and hugged me to.

"it'll be alright Ari, you're smart you'll figure it out" he said

I was so entirely grateful to God for giving me these beautiful people in my life. I sighed in content knowing that in the end everything would be alright.

I got ready for dinner with Justin putting on a black dress and black heals. I wanted to be simple so I left my hair down, doing my makeup nicely and grabbing a pink clutch to go with them.

My phone vibrated indicating a text, I checked it seeing a text from Justin saying he was downstairs.

I walked downstairs, telling mom Justin was outside and walking out, seeing him all decked up in Jeans,a white shirt and a black dress jacket. He looked amazing, beautiful if I could say that.

"hey beautiful, you look amazing" he said making me smile as he used the exact words I was thinking, he offered me his hand which I gladly took.

"you look pretty amazing yourself" I said linking my arm through his as we walked through the chilly air to his car.

At The Restaurant:

Me and Justin were sitting side by side as we looked through the menu till our server came. I put my hand on his leg and he smiled at me.

Our server came and said

"what may I get you?" She said politely.

"baby" Justin said looking at me expectantly.

"um, I'll have the mushroom ravioli with a coke please" I said smiling at her, she smiled back and turned to Justin,

"uh, I'll have the chicken fajita with fries and also a coke please" he said also smiling at her.

She looked at her tab saying

"so that will be 2 Cokes, one mushroom ravioli and one chicken fajita with fries"

"yes, thank you well order desert later" Justin said politely

She walked away leaving me and Justin to talk.

We talked about him and Selena and their past relationship, we talked about his bad boy image and the media, we talked about our duet and Justin told a zillion lame jokes... And I laughed like crazy at each and every one.

The server finally came with our meals and placed them infront of us.

"anything else?" She said

"babygirl?" Justin asked me

"no, nothing right now love" I said to him.

The night was amazing, we had an awesome time and I couldn't have had more fun. Little did we know or see the hidden paparazzi taking pictures of our entrance and exit.

Justin walked me to the door, giving me a kiss on the cheek and saying a quick goodbye before going back to his car, I made sure to tell him to text me when he got home which resulted in him laughing and saying sure mom.

I made sure he got to his car before unlocking the door, still smiling to myself and headed to my room, stripping out my clothing and putting on shorts and a tank top and getting into bed thinking about how much Justin meant to me. I loved that man so much more than I ever thought I could love someone.


To muchhh, I love them both.

I seriously can't wait for Ariana's album and Justin's new music and most of all #ARIANABIEBERDUET!

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